Anonymous ID: 88fbf8 Nov. 2, 2020, 9:07 a.m. No.11409136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9309

Tech Tyranny: Twitter Censors Tom Fitton’s Accurate and Logical Tweet on Voter Fraud to Protect Joe Biden


Twitter is determined to influence the 2020 election.


The far left social media giant is doing everything it can to stifle free speech in the United States.


The leftists on staff believe their words and positions are the only approved speech.


And Twitter continues to censor President Trump’s account to show him who’s really in charge!


On Monday Twitter censored Judicial Watch founder Tom Fitton for posting a completely accurate and logical argument.


Tom Fitton tweeted out: “Counting ballots that arrive after Election Day means countless ballots can be placed in mail after the in-person polls close (but before midnight). How does this not increase risk of voter fraud?”


Sadly, this factual and logical statement was not approved by the far left Twitter gods and so they censored Tom’s remarks.


This is electioneering to help Joe Biden.

Anonymous ID: 88fbf8 Nov. 2, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.11409147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9309 >>9587 >>9619

Pennsylvania Election Officials Rattled After Trump Campaign Requests Names Of Ballot Transporters, Storage Locations


Elections officials in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania were rattled last week after a Trump campaign aide requested 'highly specific details' about the county's ballot security, according to The Sentinel.


A Tuesday email from Trump aide Leslie O’Shaughnessy requested the names of people transporting ballots from voting machines once polls close, the names of people with access to the ballots, and locations where ballots are stored - including room numbers.


County Commissioner Gary Eichelberger (R) called the request 'intrusive,' and suggested that it might disrupt the election process in the county of 253,000 residents.


"It’s almost kind of chilling the sort of data they wanted us to provide," said Eichelberger. "This is basically the whole security plan. We’ve never received a request of this detail and I find it troubling that one of the interested parties [in the election outcome] feels they have a right to information that obviously could jeopardize the security of the ballots."


Campaign spokeswoman Thea McDonald told the Washington Post that the request was for "standard election transparency details," and that the campaign had been in touch with out counties - "some of which transparently provided answers to these important, reasonable questions via less formal requests."


"As part of the Trump campaign’s efforts to ensure a free and fair election, we have asked county clerks for information so that we can gain a detailed understanding of voting processes — and the similarities and differences that may exist in different jurisdictions," she told the Post in an emailed statement.


The email contained an attached, bullet-pointed list of the details requested, which O’Shaughnessy described as being pursuant to “your office’s compliance with existing statutes and law.”


“Please respond to these questions no later than 5:00 pm EST, tomorrow, Wednesday, October 28, 2020,” the email stated, asking for the response to be sent to a Gmail account bearing O’Shaughnessy’s name, and also including a phone number.



the details O’Shaughnessy asked for in her email do not concern ballot verification; rather, they are specific physical security details for ballots and voting machines.


These include information on “the location(s) that ballots are immediately sent to when polls close (including address and room number)” as well as “the individuals who transport the ballots to the location(s).”


The campaign is also asking for “the time(s) when are ballots are transported to canvass site,” information on any security provided, and “the best point of contact for each storage location(s) of the ballots.” -The Sentinel


"Given that more than 500,000 mail ballots were tossed out in this year’s primaries, we must look into these critical issues ahead of November," McDonald told the Sentinel, linking to a Washington Post article on the volume of vote-by-mail ballots which were disqualified in the spring due to missing signatures, illegible marks, late arrivals and other reasons.

Anonymous ID: 88fbf8 Nov. 2, 2020, 9:10 a.m. No.11409175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9309 >>9587 >>9619

Far Left Twitter Identifies Only 7 Approved Outlets to Announce Presidential Election Results — EVERYONE ELSE WILL BE FLAGGED!


Twitter has waged a jihad against conservatives and a jihad against the truth since Donald Trump won the election in 2016.


Since that time, it has been well documented that Twitter has silenced, censored and banned conservative content.


Meanwhile, violent content and threats by radical far left extremists like Antifa and Black Lives Matter goes mostly untouched.


Two weeks ago Twitter censored a report by The New York Post on Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden’s questionable and likely corrupt international business dealings.


On Monday Twitter announced it will only allow seven approved outlets to announce election results. Every other outlet will be flagged.


These tech tyrants are doing their VERY BEST to destroy Freedom of Speech in America!.

What horrible people!


Via Axios:


Twitter on Monday provided more details about its policies around tweets that declare election results, and named the seven outlets it will lean on to help it determine whether a race is officially called.


Driving the news: The list includes ABC News, AP, CNN, CBS News, Decision Desk HQ, Fox News and NBC News — all outlets that experts agree have verified, unbiased decision desks calling elections.


Our thought bubble: Some conservatives have alleged that Twitter is biased against them. In the past few weeks, data from the Stanford Cable TV Analyzer shows that Fox News has discussed Jack Dorsey and Big Tech censorship at length.


Fox News’ Decision Desk is considered very authoritative and is highly-respected amongst media and politics insiders. By including Fox News’ decision desk in this list, Twitter is saying that it believes its decision desk is verified and legitimate.


Details: Twitter previously said that it would require either an announcement from state election officials, or a public projection from at least two authoritative, national news outlets that make independent calls about the race before letting tweets about the results go by unlabeled.


If one of the seven outlets tweets from its main handle a result before another outlet from the group of seven confirm it, Twitter won’t label that tweet.

If a reporter or any Twitter user tweets a result without citing one of the select outlets for its decision, that tweet may be labeled.

The Twitter will label will say, “Official sources may not have called the race when this tweeted. Find out more.” That label will link to Twitter’s curated elections information hub.

Anonymous ID: 88fbf8 Nov. 2, 2020, 9:12 a.m. No.11409221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9309 >>9587 >>9619

How Much Has Big Tech Spent On Lobbying Congress


Six percent of the S&P 500 testified in front of Congress last week, including FB, GOOG, and TWTR. Big Tech is responding to incremental political pressure by ramping up their DC lobby efforts. AMZN and FB, for example, have spent a collective $28.7 million on lobbying this year through Q3, each spending more than any other company and on pace for another record year. TWTR, GOOG and AAPL also increased their lobby expenditures in Q3 ahead of the national election. Bottom line: lobby spending is a productive way to assess single stock regulatory risk since it reflects how much pressure the companies themselves feel.


    • *


While the CEOs of Alphabet, Amazon, Apple and Facebook testified in front of Congress on antitrust grounds last July, those “Big Tech” companies were also ramping up their DC lobby spending in the same quarter. Last week, the CEOs of Facebook, Google and Twitter testified in front of Congress over another issue: censorship concerns. We’re sure they will be back, and sooner rather than later


Every quarter we track DC lobby expenditures for major tech companies from the Center for Responsive Politics because we think the data provides useful insight into the industry’s own perceptions of regulatory risk. Here are the latest numbers for Q3 2020:



Q3 2020: Amazon spent a quarterly record $4.65 million in Q3 2020, up 1.1 pct q/q and 9.7 pct y/y. That topped the company’s prior record of $4.60 million in Q2.


2019: The company spent $16.79 million on lobbying last year, the most of any company even outside of tech. That bested its 2018 record of $14.4 million. Amazon spent $13.76 million in the first 3 quarters of 2020, and should easily set a new annual record at its current pace.




Q3 2020: Facebook spent $4.90 million on lobbying last quarter, up 1.4 pct q/q and 2.7 pct y/y. The quarterly record was $5.26 million in Q1 since the data was first tracked in 2009.


2019: The company spent $16.71 million on lobbying last year, exceeding its prior annual record of $12.62 million in 2018. It was the second highest corporate spender on lobbying in 2019, even ahead of Boeing. Facebook spent $14.99 million in Q1 through Q3 2020, and should register a new annual record this year at its current rate.




Q3 2020: Alphabet spent $2.29 million on lobbying last quarter, up 13.9 pct q/q but down 23.9 pct y/y.


2019: The company spent $12.78 million on lobbying in 2019 and was the ninth highest spender on lobbying last year. The company spent a record sum of $21.85 million on lobbying in 2018. The company spent $6.36 million between Q1-Q3 2020.


Note: The year-over-year pullback in spend is not because of less regulatory pressure, but rather likely due to the company reorganizing its lobbying operations.




Q3 2020: Apple spent $1.56 million on lobbying last quarter, up 5.4 pct q/q and down 12.4 pct y/y. The company spent a quarterly record $2.16 million in Q1 back to 1998.


2019: The company spent a record $7.41 million on lobbying last year and has spent $5.20 million so far this year through Q3.




Q3 2020: Microsoft spent $1.91 million on lobbying last quarter, down 34.3 pct q/q and 16.2 pct y/y.


2019: The company spent $10.26 million on lobbying last year, slightly below its annual record of $10.49 million in 2013. It spent $7.24 million from Q1 through Q3 2020.




Q3 2020: Twitter spent $430k on lobbying last quarter, up 10.3 pct q/q and 34.4 pct y/y. The record was $440k in Q2 2019.


2019: The company spent a record $1.48 million on lobbying last year. It has spent $1.17 million so far this year through Q3.

Anonymous ID: 88fbf8 Nov. 2, 2020, 9:15 a.m. No.11409254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9270 >>9309 >>9587 >>9619

Turns Out the FBI Has Been Hiding More Seth Rich Documents


While the law enforcement and intelligence community, along with the mainstream media, has been pushing the meme that there is no basis to believe that Seth Rich, as claimed by multiple independent sources, had contact with Julian Assange’s Wikileaks, the evidence suggests otherwise and it turns out the FBI has been covering up more relevant documents.


The first hint of the coverup came from David Hardy, an FBI Senior official, who affirmed in a 2017 affidavit that there were no responsive records. Hardy is the Section Chief of the Record/Information Dissemination Section (“RIDS”), Information Management Division (“IMD”),1 Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), in Winchester, Virginia. Here are the relevant portions of his first affidavit:


(19) CRS Search and Results. In response to Plaintiff’s request dated September 1, 2017, RIDS conducted an index search of the CRS for responsive main and reference file records employing the UNI application of ACS. The FBI searched the subject’s name, “Seth Conrad Rich,” in order to identify files responsive to Plaintiff’s request and subject to the FOIA. The FBI’s searches included a three-way phonetic breakdown5 of the subject’s name. These searches located no main or reference records responsive to Plaintiff’s FOIA request.


(9) By letter executed on November 9, 2017, OIP advised Plaintiff it affirmed the FBI’s determination. OIP further advised Plaintiff that to the extent his request sought access to records that would either confirm or deny an individual’s placement on any government watch list, the FBI properly refused to confirm or deny the existence of any such records because their existence is protected from disclosure pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(7)(E). . .


David Hardy either was lying or dangerously incompetent. The FBI did have documents–emails to be specific. The FBI’s habit of stonewalling or denying that it has documents, in this case documents related to Seth Rich, is not unique to this case. Just ask Carter Page or General Michael Flynn.


The FBI finally admitted to Judicial Watch in January 2020 that they had emails between the Washington Field Office and FBI Headquarters. These are dynamite because they show that the FBI’s Washington Field Office (which is not located at FBI Headquarters on 9th and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW in Washington, DC) was communicating with the FBI’s Peter Strzok and the Counter Intelligence Division. Why in the world would the FBI be involved in investigating what was supposedly a mere robbery of an unfortunate white victim (i.e., Seth Rich) and communicating on this investigation with the Counter Intelligence Division (CID) of the FBI. The CID only works international spy cases.


Here are the emails (I transcribed them and put them in chronological order to facilitate your ability to read them and understand what is being communicated).


10:32 am — Message sent from FBI’s Washington Field Office Public Affairs officer to at least three other Washington Field Office FBI Agents. In addition, there are three other blacked out areas in the addressee field, which appear to be the names of persons who do not work at the Washington Field Office.


I hope you are well. I heard from the front office that you are covering for BLANK this week. Various news outlets are reporting today that Julian Assange suggested during an overseas interview that DNC Staffer, Seth Rich, was a Wikileaks source and may have been killed because he leaked the DNC e-mails to his organization, and that Wikileaks is offering $20,000 for information regarding the death of Seth Rich last month. Based on this news, we anticipate additional press coverage on this matter. I hear that you are in a class today; however, when you have a moment can you give me a call to discuss what involvement the FBI has in the investigation.

Anonymous ID: 88fbf8 Nov. 2, 2020, 9:17 a.m. No.11409276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9294 >>9309 >>9587 >>9619

China Poised To Ban Australian Lobster, Copper & Sugar Amid Spiraling Trade Dispute


The South China Morning Post cited multiple trade sources on Monday to say China's customs is delaying imports of lobster from Australia, and is further expected to impose bans on Australian imports of copper ore, copper concentrate, and sugar at some point this week - at a moment relations between the two countries have hit the lowest point in decades. This after last week a ban was placed on some timber and barely shipments, commonly used in animal fodder and beer production, already partially banned since September 1.


Further Australia's Seafood Trade Advisory Group noted that some Australian lobster shipments have been subject of increased import inspections once arriving in China, causing most exporters to temporarily halt their shipments there until more is known. Local media reports have said in at least one instance tons of premium shellfish were left on a Chinese airport tarmac.

Anonymous ID: 88fbf8 Nov. 2, 2020, 9:17 a.m. No.11409286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9309 >>9587 >>9619

Covid curfew to be rolled out across all of Italy, PM Conte reveals, among more new restrictions


Italy’s prime minister has announced plans to introduce a nightly curfew on the entire country along with further measures including the closure of bars and museums, while shopping centers will be shut at weekends.


Giuseppe Conte said on Monday that the country will set a new nationwide curfew, running from 9pm until the following morning, amid soaring Covid infections. He warned that hospitals would be overrun in 15 of Italy's 20 regions by next month unless the government intervened now.


In light of the latest report on Friday and the particularly critical situations in some regions, we are forced to intervene with a view to mitigate the contagion.


Speaking to the Chamber of Deputies, Conte said that they would also be dividing the country into three areas depending on the risk level, but national measures would be limited and specific.


Restrictions imposed on the whole of Italy include the nighttime curfew, limiting travel in and out of certain areas, as well as the closure of shopping centers at weekends. Meanwhile, museums, bars, video game halls and exhibitions will be forced to shut. Urban transport capacity will also be limited to 50 percent.


An official announcement is expected to be made to the public on Monday evening following the prime minister’s summit with regional officials during the day.


Details of the regional restrictions are not yet known, however, Deputy Labor Minister Francesca Puglisi has told Sky TG 24 that schools may be impacted.


“Unfortunately, we have to sacrifice direct teaching, and lessons will be taught online for all high school students, and it has not yet been decided whether lower elementary school students will follow classes from home,” said Puglisi.


Earlier in October, Conte’s government took measures to curb socializing both at homes and in public spaces, limiting the operations of bars, and sports and school activities. This was reinforced last week with the introduction of early curfew on cafes and restaurants and the shutting down of gyms and pools.


Italy was one of the first epicenters for Covid-19 in Europe and experienced a harsh lockdown in the first half of 2020. On Sunday, Italy registered 29,907 new infections, bringing the national tally to 709,335 since the pandemic began. A further 208 fatalities were also recorded, bringing the total deaths to 38,826.

Anonymous ID: 88fbf8 Nov. 2, 2020, 9:21 a.m. No.11409338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9587 >>9619

Antifa-affiliated Twitter account shares riot strategy guides in preparation for US election fallout – no matter who wins


As US citizens batten down the hatches in preparation for protests, riots and general mayhem on the streets after Tuesday’s presidential election, one Antifa-affiliated group is publishing riot strategy guides on Twitter.


The self-proclaimed “decentralized anarchist collective” CrimethInc has shared a slew of instructionals covering everything from rioter fashionadvice, to first aid for protesters, including how to manage common injuries from police weapons and even how best to treat gunshot wounds.


Within the thread are specific posts relating to helmets, gas masks, goggles, how best to deploy leaf blowers and laser pointers, as well as best practices for brandishing shields and umbrellas in the face of tear gas and on-lethal police munitions.


CrimethInc even provided a handy protest simulator for would-be anarchists to test their mettle against the authorities in a ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ game.


Of course, the CrimethInc account was quick to add a caveat for the audience, hoping for an anarchist utopia to spring up overnight and preclude the need for any post-election street violence in the extremely unlikely event that both the Democrats and Republicans suddenly decide to scrap the whole thing.


"We hope none of this will be necessary—we hope Trump will concede the election, Biden and all the other politicians will resign, and we'll suddenly find ourselves in a world without capitalism, white supremacy, or the state,” the post reads, before alluding to the “long fight ahead."



Anonymous ID: 88fbf8 Nov. 2, 2020, 9:23 a.m. No.11409371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9390 >>9587 >>9613 >>9619

Justin Trudeau — after grisly murders in French church amid Muslim anger at Muhammad cartoons — says free speech 'is not without limits'


'We owe it to ourselves to act with respect for others and to seek not to arbitrarily or unnecessarily injure those with whom we are sharing a society and a planet'


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reacted to the grisly murders in a French church amid worldwide Muslim anger over cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad by saying that free speech "is not without limits," the Guardian reported.


Muslims have been furious at the French government for refusing to take action against its citizens for public displays of Muhammad, which have been in solidarity with free expression after a French schoolteacher was beheaded by a Chechen refugee on Oct. 16, apparently over the teacher showing Muhammad cartoons to his class.


Effigies of French President Emmanuel Macron were burned over his defense of the right to publish such caricatures, the Guardian reported, adding that Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said "we are in a war against an enemy that is both inside and outside."


Thursday's deadly terrorist attack took place inside the Notre-Dame Basilica in Nice, the paper said, adding that the three people who died were a 60-year-old woman who was almost decapitated, 55-year-old Vincent Loques — the church sexton — and a 44-year-old Brazilian-born mother of three.


Officers described the scene as a "vision of horror," the Guardian reported, adding that Nice's police chief, Richard Gianotti, said officers shot a man "who was holding a knife" and "had just killed three people" and was "was shouting 'Allahu Akbar.'" The suspected attacker, 21-year-old Brahim Aouissaoui from Tunisia, was in serious condition in a local hospital, the paper noted.


"Any symbol of the republic or Christianity is a potential target," Gianotti also said, according to the Guardian. "We have to be vigilant, we have to be attentive."


Dave Urbanski


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reacted to the grisly murders in a French church amid worldwide Muslim anger over cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad by saying that free speech "is not without limits," the Guardian reported.


Calling all Americans to take back our constitutional freedoms


What are the details?


Muslims have been furious at the French government for refusing to take action against its citizens for public displays of Muhammad, which have been in solidarity with free expression after a French schoolteacher was beheaded by a Chechen refugee on Oct. 16, apparently over the teacher showing Muhammad cartoons to his class.


Effigies of French President Emmanuel Macron were burned over his defense of the right to publish such caricatures, the Guardian reported, adding that Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said "we are in a war against an enemy that is both inside and outside."


Thursday's deadly terrorist attack took place inside the Notre-Dame Basilica in Nice, the paper said, adding that the three people who died were a 60-year-old woman who was almost decapitated, 55-year-old Vincent Loques — the church sexton — and a 44-year-old Brazilian-born mother of three.


Officers described the scene as a "vision of horror," the Guardian reported, adding that Nice's police chief, Richard Gianotti, said officers shot a man "who was holding a knife" and "had just killed three people" and was "was shouting 'Allahu Akbar.'" The suspected attacker, 21-year-old Brahim Aouissaoui from Tunisia, was in serious condition in a local hospital, the paper noted.


"Any symbol of the republic or Christianity is a potential target," Gianotti also said, according to the Guardian. "We have to be vigilant, we have to be attentive."


Big contrast


Trudeau, however, worded his reaction to the killings with more — er — nuance.


"We will always defend freedom of expression," Trudeau said Friday, the paper reported, adding that the the far-left politician tempered that sentiment by saying that "freedom of expression is not without limits. We owe it to ourselves to act with respect for others and to seek not to arbitrarily or unnecessarily injure those with whom we are sharing a society and a planet."


According to the Post Millennial, Trudeau also seemed to compare the showing of Muhammad images to yelling "fire" in a crowded theater — and emphasized that "in a pluralistic, diverse and respectful society like ours, we must be aware of the impact of our words, of our actions on others, particularly these communities and populations who still experience enormous discrimination."

More of the same

Anonymous ID: 88fbf8 Nov. 2, 2020, 9:24 a.m. No.11409389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9407 >>9587 >>9619

Child Sex Assault Victim Sexually Assaulted by Cop Who Shouldn’t Have Been Assigned to Her Case


New Orleans, LA — As frequent readers of the Free Thought Project know, police officers are arrested weekly in this country for sex crimes involving children. This is a massive problem but becomes even worse when victims of child sex abuse seek out help and run right into the arms of someone even worse than they are trying to report. For one girl in New Orleans, Louisiana, this is exactly what happened to her.


Last month, the New Orleans Police department arrested one of their own officers for sexually assaulting a child. Rodney Vicknair, 53, was arrested and charged with sexual battery, indecent behavior with a juvenile and malfeasance, for sexually assaulting a child while investigating a sexual assault that she reported.


Now, we are learning that this officer had a history discipline problems and he likely should have never had his job when the alleged sexual assault took place.


According to a scathing report from WDSU, Vicknair was disciplined four times in just six years, raising the question of whether or not he should have remained employed by the NOPD. Below are the infractions:


He received a five-day suspension in 2010 for acting unprofessionally and keeping inaccurate records, in connection to the parking lot incident mentioned above. NOPD’s internal investigation found he used police resources to look up a woman’s personal information and then failed to record an unnecessary stop of the woman in his activity log.

Vicknair received a one-day suspension and driver training in July 2015 for violating policies related to a vehicle pursuit on March 28, 2014. The internal investigation found he drove 76 mph on Claiborne Avenue at 7 p.m., before driving against traffic for more than three blocks. The investigation did not determine whether Vicknair disregarded a supervisor’s order to end the chase.

He received a three-day suspension in August 2015 for violating policies related to another vehicle pursuit on Feb. 6, 2014. The internal investigation found he drove against traffic during a car chase that a supervisor determined should not have happened.

Vicknair received a letter of reprimand in August 2016 for acting unprofessionally when responding to the scene of a fatal overdose. The deceased man’s mother complained that Vicknair laughed at the scene. NOPD’s review of body-camera footage showed he told the overdose victim’s girlfriend, “I didn’t put the needle in his arm” and “I bet if I checked your name you would have warrants.”


According to WDSU, each time NOPD punished Vicknair, the superintendent warned in a letter to him a similar infraction in the future could result in “more severe disciplinary action.” But this never happened and his latest “punishment” was a letter of reprimand.

Anonymous ID: 88fbf8 Nov. 2, 2020, 9:25 a.m. No.11409401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9587 >>9619

UK government justifies 2nd national lockdown using outdated death scenarios that may be 4 times too high – researchers


The British government has used out-of-date death-scenario modelling to illustrate the coronavirus crisis and justify a second national lockdown, new research shows.


The selection of data has not been based on the current reality, Carl Heneghan, the director of the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University said, in comments published on Monday.


The death forecasts could be four to five times too high, Heneghan insists.


I cannot understand why they have used this data, when there are far more up-to-date forecasts from Cambridge that they could have accessed, which show something very different.


The government’s scientific advisers showed a scenario from Cambridge University at a Downing Street press conference on Saturday, and graphs suggested England could see 4,000 daily deaths early next month. But this data was based on different models from at least three weeks ago, Heneghan and Daniel Howdon of Leeds Institute of Health Sciences explained on Monday.


The Cambridge estimated projection for November 1 is 1,000 deaths, the experts said.


The most recent research from Cambridge forecasts 240 daily deaths for next week, while this figure stands at around 500 in the second half of November.


Two model estimates presented by the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) have already proven to be invalid, according to Heneghan and Howdon. They say these analyses need checking to verify whether the lower estimates could reflect the actual data.


Britain’s PM Boris Johnson on Saturday ordered England back into a national lockdown from Thursday morning, until December 2, and the SAGE figures were behind the decision.


“Models of our scientists suggest that, unless we act now, we could see deaths over the winter that are twice as bad or more compared with the first wave,” Johnson is preparing to say on Monday, his office announced.

Anonymous ID: 88fbf8 Nov. 2, 2020, 9:26 a.m. No.11409415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9429 >>9456 >>9495 >>9561 >>9587 >>9619

Michigan implements new COVID restrictions that could send violators to jail after Whitmer vows to bypass court ruling


Give us your personal information OR ELSE!


The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has issued new coronavirus-related restrictions that would potentially punish violators with jail time.


The updated restrictions come as COVID-19 cases spike worldwide, an unsurprising development as the Northern Hemisphere plunges into fall and winter is around the corner. The U.S. set multiple records for daily new cases last week.


Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has responded to the spike in cases by rolling back the state's reopening plan in parts of the state.

What are the new restrictions?


The MDHHS issued updated guidance last Thursday requiring dine-in restaurants, barber shops and salons, tattoo shops, businesses that provide in-home services like cleaning or repairs, gyms, and entertainment facilities to record the personal information of each patron or client.


The mandate also forces such businesses to deny services to any customer "who does not provide, at a minimum, their name and phone number."


Officials claimed the information would be used to "aid contract tracing."


The order is so broad, in fact, that it essentially applies to everyone in Michigan. "Upon request, businesses, schools, and other facilities must provide names and phone numbers of individuals with possible COVID-19 exposure to MDHHS and local health departments to aid in contact tracing and case investigation efforts," the order says.


Businesses or individuals who violate the order may be subject to jail time.


"[V]iolation of this order is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or a fine of not more than $200.00, or both," the order reads.


The updated restrictions also limits non-residential indoor gatherings to just 50 people — down from 500 — and states, "For all non-residential gatherings, if attendees are seated at tables, no more than six persons may share a table and tables must be spaced a minimum of 6 feet apart."

Anything else?


As WBCK-FM noted, although the latest restrictions come via the MDHHS, Whitmer is almost certainly behind the updated order.


That is because the Michigan Supreme Court ruled last month that Whitmer's direct COVID-related executive orders were "an unlawful delegation of legislative power to the executive branch in violation of the Michigan Constitution."


In response, Whitmer vowed to bypass the high court's ruling to implement her will via "alternative sources of authority."


"Today's Supreme Court ruling, handed down by a narrow majority of Republican justices, is deeply disappointing, and I vehemently disagree with the court's interpretation of the Michigan Constitution," Whitmer said after the ruling, according to


"It is important to note that this ruling does not take effect for at least 21 days, and until then, my emergency declaration and orders retain the force of law," she continued. "Furthermore, after 21 days, many of the responsive measures I have put in place to control the spread of the virus will continue under alternative sources of authority that were not at issue in today's ruling."

Anonymous ID: 88fbf8 Nov. 2, 2020, 9:28 a.m. No.11409438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9587 >>9619

Cop Walks Despite 36 Charges and 8 Women Accusing Him of On-Duty Sexual Assault


Wilkes-Barre, PA — Last year, not one, not two, but eight different women came forward and accused former Wilkes-Barre police officer Robert Collins of sexually assaulting them while he was on duty. Collins was first arrested in January 2019 and again in June of 2019 after state police gathered enough evidence of the repeated sexual assaults. Despite these allegations, however, Collins recently walked free.


“This cost me my career. I should still be a Wilkes-Barre police officer,” said Collins, 55, who retired in February 2019, a month after state police accused him of sexually assaulting women while on duty. “You don’t know what I have gone through for the past 19 months. Ridiculous. Me and my family have gone through hell.”


Prosecutors accused Collins of using his badge to sexually assault the women under the threat of jail. He was accused of pulling them over and bringing them to dark areas and then raping them under duress.


As reports, throughout the trial, the prosecution portrayed Collins as a methodical predator who targeted vulnerable women and used his position of authority to exploit them. After detaining the women for minor offenses such as drug possession or traffic violations, Collins brought them to secluded locations and threatened them with jail if they didn’t agree to perform sex acts on him, Senior Deputy Attorney General Bernard Anderson alleged.


“You can go to jail or take care of this,” Anderson quoted Collins as saying.


The defense, however, was able to successfully convince the jury that these women had launched a smear campaign against Collins, claiming that they were after money and had filed lawsuits.


But this was simply a misrepresentation and not the actual truth. None of the women knew each other and not a single one of them filed a lawsuit when they made their original complaints. Instead, lawyers found the women, only after the media began reporting on Collins’ arrest.


“After this hit the press, the lawyers descended,” Anderson said. “The lawyers went to them.”


Nevertheless, the jury bought the defense’s case and moved to acquit the officer.


It is important to point out that even the most vile of accused criminals deserve the right to due process and a fair trial to exonerate them. However, we would be remiss if we didn’t point out the problem of blue privilege in the court systems — especially when it comes to sex offending cops and especially in Wilkes-Barre.

Anonymous ID: 88fbf8 Nov. 2, 2020, 9:35 a.m. No.11409516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9559 >>9587 >>9619

Dong Gongwen who worked for YE Jianming purposely approached Hunter Biden and they jointly opened an account at Cathay Bank


Through a man whose first name is Raymond, DONG Gongwen (an associate of YE Jianming) got acquainted with Hunter Biden

DONG Gongwen and Hunter Biden opened bank account(s) at Cathay Bank in the name of “Hudson West III LLC”

On September 14, 2017, a Multiple-Signature Agreement was entered by and between Cathay Bank and Hudson West III LLC, pursuant to which any withdrawal or check drawn against the account(s) exceeding USD$10,000.01 should be co-signed by DONG Gongwen and Hunter Biden

DONG Gongwen signed as the President of Hudson West V LLC, and Hunter Biden signed as the Chairman of OWASCO P.C.

OWASCO P.C. is Hunter Biden’s law firm



Anonymous ID: 88fbf8 Nov. 2, 2020, 9:35 a.m. No.11409526   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CCP’s BGY plan to Hunter Biden: more photos of naked girls in Hunter Biden’s cell phone

Anonymous ID: 88fbf8 Nov. 2, 2020, 9:37 a.m. No.11409551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9587 >>9619

AUDIO: Philly Teacher Reveals School Lunch Workers Gave Ballots To Children


Stunning Fraud Allegation


A Philadelphia public elementary school art teacher revealed that cafeteria workers at a Philly school were instructed to hand out absentee ballots to schoolchildren. Pennsylvania is counting paper ballots three days after election day, even if the ballots are not postmarked by election day, and the signatures on the ballots do not have to match the signature on the voter registration. Philadelphia has been fraught with Vote By Mail problems this year. (READ: Philly Vote By Mail Disrupted By Riots).


“My cousin and research partner is a teacher in one of the Philadelphia schools with a large migrant/illegal population. A friend of his works in the lunch program and she said to him that her manager told her to pass the ballots out,” our source told NATIONAL FILE. Cafeteria workers rotate in the Philly public schools, so it is unclear which school this occurred at.


NATIONAL FILE contacted Robert “Bob” Riffle, a 2-day a week art teacher at the Taggart School in Philadelphia. Riffle confirmed the story but said there is nothing that can be done about it at this point, and then cowardly declined to elaborate further. Taggart School could not be reached for comment by phone via any major department in the middle of a school day. Here is the audio of our conversation with Riffle:


“I just got off the phone and he’s being protective of this woman because he’s concerned she will lose her job. It’s a bitch of a place to work. They apparently rotated people around so he doesn’t know which school but that sounds like a runaround comment. He also said it happened last summer, when that is not what he first said. This really pisses me off because I thought he had more bravery and integrity. He can only see it as ratting on someone and not as trying to save our country,” our source told us.