Anonymous ID: 5450e0 April 21, 2018, 11:12 p.m. No.1141568   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Was just doing some research on Jonny Gosch's dissapearance decades ago. I came across an interesting bit of information about the Franklin child prostitution ring of the 1980s. I read the piece and could not believe how similar the details are to Pizzagate. If you removed a few words from the Franklin case report you might think that you're reading about Pizzagate. The media and the courts back then called it a conspiracy too.


The great shame is that this organization of elite Satan-worshiping pedophiles are still fucking and murdering kids today in the USA. The kids who are being victimized now probably wait everyday for someone—anyone–to come save them. And no one ever does. A lot of them end up like Johnny Gosch and are never seen again.


Very bizarre story about the connection to the Clowns and MK Ultra. If I were reading any of this just a few years ago I would have said it was all ridiculous.


Check out the link below:



