Barack Obama, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey and Robert Mueller developed, privatized and leveraged for domestic deployment against US citizens, a counter-terrorism surveillance platform (THE HAMMER.)
President Trump and Lt. General Michael Flynn (FLYNN FIRST!) were targets.
Used it to extract information leveraged for “control purposes.”
McInerney and Admiral Lyons (ret.) initially brought the development to light.
McInerney was first to establish how THE HAMMER was being utilized to impact the vote result.
McInerney draws back on Peter Strzok and Lisa Page in particular.
THE HAMMER was taken by Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey and Robert Mueller and removed from military control.
Moving THE HAMMER control and location(s) was a CIA (Brennan) operation.
Recall, a signals intelligence group listening in on American citizens is a blatant violation of obvious Constitutional laws and protections.
The NEW DEVELOPMENT learned on 31 Oct 20 is that THE HAMMER has been formulated along with a mobile application called SCORECARD.
SCORECARD exists for the sole and express purpose of stealing the vote of private American citizens after their vote has been cast in voting machines.
McInerney delineates how Obama used this exact process to steal votes and all of Florida in 2012; how it was used in 2016; and how it will be used/is being used in 2020.
Polling is intentionally kept at near 3% ahead for the preferred candidate to manipulate public opinion and sow the pretext for the win (circle back to the fraudulent polls as confirmation for the stolen vote.)
The MSM is identified (as we already know and have known for some time) as being aligned with the Deep State and Democrats and wittingly complicit in all of this – “they are one in the same.”
Yesterday, it was learned that the Obama/Biden cartel is leveraging THE HAMMER and SCORECARD in battleground states to steal 2020: FL, GA, TX, PN, WI, MI, NV and AZ.
SCORECARD “steals the election by tampering with the computers at the access points. (McInerney refrained from further detail in that explanation.)
The Obama/Biden cartel intercedes at the access points ONLY AFTER all further human intervention has occurred meaning that there is no one left to detect the theft.
The strategy and technology was developed to be used in foreign countries by the CIA in determining elections in ways favorable to its cause.
THE HAMMER has been further removed from the CIA and ensconced in a Maryland location; with an alternate location available.
Importantly, it was good actors in the 2016 election who interceded on the 2016 HAMMER effort thus un-rigging the election and allowing Trump to win legitimately. They never expected Clinton to lose, as we all know.
The entirety of the Russian collusion scandal and the subsequent Mueller investigation was a direct result of the aforementioned forces of good interceding on the election. Move, countermove.
If they are successful, they are expected to ride the election into the early morning hours of 11.4 and then declare Biden the winner, thus establishing a fraudulent narrative designed to hold hostage the President and his legitimate electoral win. In a sense, it’s go to bed a winner and wake-up a loser.
McInerney mentions briefly with no supporting details that the Bidens, in particular, were selling technological state secrets (as was Hillary [private server] and Obama) to foreign nations.
The FBI was briefed on THE HAMMER circa 2012 and Hunter Biden’s “server” (hard drives?) and “didn’t do anything about it.”
Astonishingly, the interview references THE HAMMER in effect as spoken directly out of Joe Biden’s own mouth. Listen carefully here – this is the same sound bite played in the interview.