Anonymous ID: 6fd272 Nov. 2, 2020, 3:19 p.m. No.11414751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4815 >>4867 >>4964 >>5084






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Subversion - the undermining of the power and authority of an established system or institution.


Plans by progressive activists and federal workers to disrupt and destabilize the outcome of Tuesday's presidential election, including plans to "shut down the White House."


Sunrise Election Action Guide

This Moment: What’s at stake?

This year has thrown us monumental challenges. We’ve fought through a global pandemic and shown up for the Black uprisings. Now, leading up to the most important election of our lives, we are forced to defend our democracy in case a losing president attempts to lie and cheat his way into staying in power. We’ve seen his desperate attempts to undermine the credibility of the elections and know that he will likely do anything he can to disrupt the democratic process that will have unseated him—especially trying to claim a win in the days and weeks following the election, before all of the votes have been tallied. We can and we must stop him from cheating his way into four more years in the White House.

We know that Trump has sown lies about the legitimacy of mail-in voting, and that the right wing media is painting the left as instigators of violence. We know that establishment democrats lack the principles to confront the GOP about their dishonest and disruptive tactics. We know that the Green New Deal can’t pass while Trump is in office, and waiting four more years will amount to catastrophic consequences for our communities. But we also know that this will be a narrative battle, rooted in credibility and legitimacy in the public’s eyes. We can take control of the narrative to expose Trump and the Republican party as the liars, cheaters and criminals that they are, and demand a fair election process, where everyone’s voices are heard.

Our movement is working hard across several different lanes to win this election and, in the bigger picture, to defend democracy by ensuring everyone’s vote is counted fairly . We’re doing GOTV work, training massive numbers of new members, and building a coalition that will bring more of the crowd into the movement. If you’re reading this, it’s because you’re here to take action—which is a crucial part of our strategy. Since this is a narrative battle, we need our actions to show up in the public eye as moral and non-violent actions fighting to defend democracy. Actions are how we tell our narrative, grab the attention of the public, and demand they take our side.

This country and its future belong to us. The decade of the Green New Deal will start with Biden’s first days in office, where we will use the power of our movement to demand that he supports Green

New Deal policies. We must ensure he gets there by showing the power that our communities have and defending the democratic process and the will of the people with powerful, strategic actions.

Anonymous ID: 6fd272 Nov. 2, 2020, 3:22 p.m. No.11414815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4964 >>5084






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Subversion - the undermining of the power and authority of an established system or institution.

Plans by progressive activists and federal workers to disrupt and destabilize the outcome of Tuesday's presidential election, including plans to "shut down the White House.


What is a narrative battle and how do we win?

This means that whether we’re able to fight and win in this election is based on the public narrative. What is the media saying? What does the public believe? The way this election is interpreted will be a battle for credibility and legitimacy in the public’s eye, and we need their support to win. Actions build our narrative and popular support from the public, and fight against dangerous rhetoric from the right that we know will continue to fill the media.

Part of winning the narrative battle is preparing for the way the right will portray us and reframing that narrative. We can do this by polarizing the public against Trump and for us. Polarization is when we force the public to choose a side.

We know that the right will try to paint us as too young, naive, unorganized, fringe, and not powerful.

They are already seeding a false narrative that we are violent and aggressive. We know that we are being framed this way so that Trump can try to look powerful even when he is weak and unpopular.

But we know what’s true about us. As young people we have the moral authority. We are the ones standing for the will and rights of the people, and we will not give up or lose hope.

If the public understands that Trump’s threat to steal the election is because he’s weak and lacks support we will have a huge amount of leverage to fight back. If we are mischaracterized as a violent fringe group, it will be significantly easier to dismiss us and our claims of Trump attempting to steal the election.

Important word choices

Say “Trump is trying to cheat & bully” instead of “Trump is trying to steal the election” and “Trump is losing” instead of “Trump is an authoritarian”

Trump wants to be cast as a strongman. Declaring that Trump has rigged or is stealing the election presents it as a predetermined outcome and depresses and demobilizes turnout. Instead, talking about Trump's desperate attempts presents him as weak and cast people as agents of our own change

Talk about “swearing in” instead of “electing” leaders

We need to prime the public to expect a lengthier process to determine the outcome, and to mobilize through January to ensure the next government sworn in is the one elected by the people.

Talk about “record numbers of voters turning out for Biden” instead of “the race is tightening/Trump is closing in” (if it comes to that) We must inoculate against the GOP story that the race is close enough for them to contest.

Say “Politicians can say what they want, but the people decide who leads” instead of “Trump is lying”

Focusing on the people’s will rather than what specific politicians say helps the public see the bigger picture, removes Trump’s power and de-escalates partisanship

Anonymous ID: 6fd272 Nov. 2, 2020, 3:24 p.m. No.11414867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4872 >>4964 >>5084


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Subversion - the undermining of the power and authority of an established system or institution.

Plans by progressive activists and federal workers to disrupt and destabilize the outcome of Tuesday's presidential election, including plans to "shut down the White House.

Anonymous ID: 6fd272 Nov. 2, 2020, 3:36 p.m. No.11415091   🗄️.is 🔗kun







Federal Workers and Activist plans to subvert the election.

"As Sunrise, our role in this moment is to set the narrative tone early. When we mobilize early, we get the first say in the narrative and tone of the post-election period. We know that Trump, his base, and the rest of the GOP want to disrupt the ballot counting process. We will send a message to the public and the GOP that young people are calling for every vote to be counted and are committed to maintaining our democracy. If the public sees youth standing up for a fair count in a disciplined way, anyone who tries to intervene in the process will be considered a bad actor."