FISA is a boondoggle. It is a sham. Big bucks to make work for unconstitutional snooping the government is going to do anyway.
It has always been a dishonest enterprize. Shocking that the order to destroy evidence was made public.
FISA is a boondoggle. It is a sham. Big bucks to make work for unconstitutional snooping the government is going to do anyway.
It has always been a dishonest enterprize. Shocking that the order to destroy evidence was made public.
It starts now. "Red mirage" will be the talking point across the board. No way to miss it. Every news report will use the term. Same as every other talking point. We've seen this pattern thousands of times.
I will so enjoy Obama being exposed as the crook and fraud that he is.
Peanuts to the hidden hand. Gambling odds are another manipulated poll. Pretty cheap to operate at the inevitable loss. Cheaper than sending 300 million for ads and graft.
Turley is feeding the problem. He predicts a Biden win in this column. Trump "coming close" is enough to trigger the riot. But not to worry, says Turley, the nation will survive.