This is a notable.
Big notable.
Addition to the Hammer Notables in recent breads.
I am reposting this after watching.
According to this General, (((they))) tried to use Montgomery's "Hammer" to steal the 2016 election, and they were stopped? The General seems to say he was not at liberty to say how.
(Anon remembers post election morning and for a few days after, 4 chan reported that our military flew Jet over Langley Homeland Security very low, in the middle of the electronic election theft, and then called the thieves in the Homeland security building, told them to shut down the theft process or the Jet would turn around for a bomb run in the next few minutes). (Threatening the lives of the thieves in control of a "satellite")
I was a newbie lurker, so never got the 4chan screencaps of anon post election discussions…. sorry.
Sure remember them tho… the newbie lurker was a bit shocked. Cant forget.
Naturally, this was all rumor, but many anons did speculate at the time that this was why there was a big 3 hour pause in vote reporting from all states,in the middle of the election night. Thelast states to call the election for quite a while.
As I recall, no anons at the time suspected the Hammer spy computer created by Whistle blower Montgomery was the program that was altering the election count electronically.
The General in vid related is reporting, (((they))) plan to use it again during the 2020 election?
This should be a notable.
It was not picked up.
The Air force General speaks in the times listed below in the vid, at Bannons War Room. He is a Guest.
Side note.
Anon wants to know if Bannon is kidding about Sidney Powell being appointed FBI director. Did not see this in notables.
Anon would love this.
>Q Proof?
>Listen to Air Force General @ 1:29:45 to 1:30:40
>Talks about election changing software SCORECARD (Sub-program of HAMMER), tried to be used in 2016, but was prevented.
>Can't find the Q post related, but I remember it.
>Anyone know which post that was?