Fagjack comes by to post a meme while he spends all his time locking real bread in place of his BV's moldy breads.
Work on your engrish, chang
Qanon =/= Q_Anon
How can you make a point when your reaching comprehension isn't up to par of that of an American Patriot?
Q_Anon research
Anon research
Anon researching Q.
Because they're either stupid, or foreign and Engrish be hard.
Muh mAgA eXtRacTiOnS
I'll never let you live down that retarded shit, kek.
Why would anyone put themselves through that?
You're on here, moran. Anything that needs to be known about Joe has been gone through on here. That's not "living in an echo chamber" I'd rather watch POTUS than waste time watching that demented old fool.
KEK, POTUS just roasting the mic guy.
"Bernie is a great loser"
Truer words have never been spoken
What's with the left and their obsession with cats? It's weird.