Post last bread had graphic on NXIVM training children. That reminded me of this
"Zuckerberg went to an elite program for gifted children at the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth in Baltimore, Maryland – as did Sergey Brin and spirit cooking enthusiast Lady Gaga."
Source https://
Zuckerberg is a nothing more than a handpicked frontman, a fraud. You can see it in his automaton look in his eyes. Selected by In-Q-Tel to front the Life Log project aka facebook.
Information processing Technology Office (IPTO) develops the tech
In-Q-Tel finds the frontman
But it seems that In-Q-Tel might have a child nuturing program, knowledge if such programs or developed connections to such programs.
Seems it would be too obvious to the public if all the heads of these In-Q-Tel projects came from vanderbilt type families like anderson cooper.
The problem with conditioning children is that some are not going to pass the conditioning. Reminds me of the kurt russel movie Soldier where a child soldier fails standards and is shot. I guess the children that fail go to the spirit cooking crowd and the sex slavers.
All this is linked together