Just tuned in. This may or may not have been surmised from Q latest drops but here goes.
>http:// thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/292310-huma-abedins-ties-to-the-muslim-brotherhood
>Good article.
>Donโt forget about Huma.
>Are the dots a break in the line of reasoning? or does it mean the list goes on?
Neither of these options. The dots mean the post is divided into two sections, but they are connected.
We were asked to follow HUMA in the past.
This section is a reminder to re-focus on that task.
The article is a starting point for the re-focus.
It gives clues to connections between Huma & MB from OPEN-SOURCE. (archive off-line).
>America for sale.
>No name.
>Inside out destruction.
>HUMA & Hussein.
>http:// harvardmuslimalumni.org/about
>Who paid?
>SA [vital].
This section gives guideposts to current direction of digs.
I could be wrong, but maybe this is connected to next week MOAB.
This may or may not be connected to MOAB.
Clearly what is relevant is that new connections between HUMA and MB + more bad actors can be made.
Connections that haven't been made up until now.
This is dropped now bc of relevance to current events.
SA coup attempt is connected to HUMA -MB -> NoName -> Hussein -> FBI -> America for sale.
Allconnections are clearly OPEN-SOURCE.
Dig -uncover -> meme -> flood SM.