very nice retort : like when Will Hunting compares a Harvard education to late charges at the library
there are many kinds of people doing all kinds of different things in all kinds of different time zones all around this world nowadays
(if you have not seen the movie, this is the best i can do fast like)
Some Harvard snob in the bar tries to outdo Will (Southie ingrate) on what they know about history in America and Will knows more, quoting the guy before he even speaks it ; and while the snob paid six-figs for what he knew, Will paid late charges at the library for the same information
"how do like them apples?" (you seent it)
10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1…lift off
Fight the Good Fight and Triumph
….it's the only way….
watch out for Whitmore in the Breeders' Cup Sprint…Saturday ….Lexington, KY WPS