betcha all the campaign heads for biden are on the board right now – and sleepy dumas crooked loser biden is watching the rally on RSBN
cucks LOSE tomorrow bwahahahaha
betcha all the campaign heads for biden are on the board right now – and sleepy dumas crooked loser biden is watching the rally on RSBN
cucks LOSE tomorrow bwahahahaha
the satanist professor where probably doing the destruction – and thar frens are gonna let em skate and thar bosses gonna give em a raise, immunity and the rest of the year off due to ptsd
trolling the Ymca hard
sure seems like a direct hit - anon
end of the line or the beginning, or both
cameltoe you sound just as dumb anonymous as you do on tv
treason - removing the roadblocks post 11.3
The path of least resistance WATCH THE WATER