>if i’m not permitted to cast a vote for Trump, if i don’t wear a fear mask
>my 2¢… press the issue and make them forcibly remove you and get it on video.
I arrived 30 minutes before the polling station opened. Six stood outside with masks on, ahead of me. At 6:30 we went inside and the i'd guy was behind a plastic shield, l had to verify my address verbally behind my mask after l gave him my photo i'd.
l was asked to sign my name with the same screen friendly pen everyone was using that day. l mentioned that but got shrugs.
Before and after l marked my ballot a cleaning girl wiped it all down,
Not the pen to sign the screen, no one washed it…and still they do not see the irony.
I was done and on my way home ten minutes after the polling station opened. My son waited one hour to vote at the county election office. He thought he had it so good. l voted on his block.