Anonymous ID: 6a3193 April 22, 2018, 5:51 a.m. No.1143449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3533 >>3560

MD infiltration, HA, Obama, VJ, Brennan top visible figures. What you don't see or know about is the vast number of MB sponsored infiltrators of the MSM, military, Fed gov, and academia. Take out the top echelons and the sleepers are all still there, with protection from the warped society of diversity protection, Civil Service protection, and tenure in universities, with a ready crew of Muslim Student Association members in numbers on campus. This is a multigenerational conquest plan. Check out any university science and engineering faculty list at a State school. Look for the composition in this regard. This is a PLAN that has SUCCEEDED and many have known and warned about it for decades. Godspeed Q.