Anonymous ID: 93c47f April 22, 2018, 5:27 a.m. No.1143352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3386

April 22, 2018

The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying ….



The Muslim Brotherhood has the worst case of “little Brother Syndrome” ever unleashed on the World.


From yesterday bread


Three major religions have been in play for quite some time now. They are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In general people feel very strongly about their religion. This is good and bad. There is nothing wrong with believing in something bigger than ourselves. This comforts us. However, the flip side is when one believes that anyone not belonging to their faith is wrong. Major division between We the People then occurs. This is bad. Very bad.


To start with there is Judaism. Everyone is familiar with the old testament. This was the original set of books making up the Torah (old testament). This is the foundation of the other two great religions. Jesus basically got in a fight with the pharisees because they were more interested in governing/exploiting the affairs of We the People. Faith, being so important to people was the perfect avenue to control us. The pharisees were the popes of our day.


The jews had a long history and tradition well before Jesus arrived. Jesus literally tipped over the tables on the powers that be. Many welcomed Jesus for this reason, as he was for “We the People”. Those who supported Jesus formed their own faith, Christianity and created their own books, the new testament to add to the Torah, to make THE book - the bible.


A few hundred years later Mohamad arrives as a prophet and a third Old Testament based religion is formed, the Islamic faith.

Why is this so important to us today?

Because it leaves “We the People” divided. The Jews have the original book (the Torah or old testament ). Think of it as a really good movie. Now some one else comes along, really likes the original book/movie and wants to write a sequel (the new testament). Then another group comes along, wants their own book/movie altogether, but the original book/movie was sooooo good and popular why not just tweek it a bit and the call it our own (the Koran).


This demonstrates the problem and why both the christians and the muslims and really a lot of other people of other faiths or not even religious at all are so mad at the jews. They have the original best seller book/movie.


All the rest is based on the original stories that make up the torah or old testament. This is really annoying to the rest of world, especially to christians and muslims. The truth of it is this does not even OCCUR to the Jews. They just keep following the Torah and their traditions like they have for thousands of years. They are oblivious that this would somehow bother anybody. The jews just expect each religion to follow their faith as strongly as they do and have no problem with that. They do not have a problem with the christianity or muslims, both came out of the Torah, so why should they. Do you see how this could lead to so many misunderstandings?


To make things worse, since the old testament is the foundation of the new testament, what the jews think really does matter to the Christians. This is where a major problem arises, because the jews who wrote the original book/movie do not think Jesus is the messiah. This really really bothers the christians. The christians are really mad about this and the jews will not budge on this. And to top it all off in the minds of the christians the jews killed Jesus. Such a recipe for strife one could not possibly top, except there is more thing , the muslims who were even later/last to the party than the christians can never seem to ever forget it either.


Being aware of this emotional history - all used by the organized religions -hopefully will help us not be divided but united.


Anonymous ID: 93c47f April 22, 2018, 5:37 a.m. No.1143383   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From yesterday bread


Wanted to do FE correction in regards to the sun.

As it turns out the sun is just a focal point of light!


We cut our teeth on the goofy globalist raindrop theory for explaining the rainbow.

We now know by using a regular flashlight and plain bulb source of light and a spray bottle we can disprove the FAKE scientist of the cabal (will repost if anyone requests)

We also learned about optics when we learned vanishing point in regards to the sun set.


Not to rock our world again but I believe there is a better explanation for the Sun. This dude, and I think you will agree with this description, has a number of videos that are very convincing that the sun is merely the focal point of light from a plasma spiral (which has light) within a tube above the earth dome. There is an electromagnetic field if you will through the center and emanating out around the earth disc.


This Spiral of light in a plasma tube hits lens (top of dome which is clear ice), the plasma can not pass thru the ice dome, but the light does, the light then Converges through the ice dome with an effect of a concave lens to a focal point of light making what we see as our sun. Sun is inside the dome due to heat and light created by focal point of light from converging of the convex lens The focal point of converging light creates heat ( think of starting a fire with a magnifying glass).


The ice dome is created because of being in the location of the cool area of the electromagnetic field around earth. The dome is crystal clear because it is without any impurities (distilled frozen water) unlike the ice we are framilliar with which is cloudy.


The dome does not melt because the spiraling plasma light does not stay in one place it is constantly spiraling and the light is not focused until it passes thru the ice dome and is converged to a focal point (then heat).


This Plasma tube, with its focal point of light after passing thru the ice dome spirals over earth creating day and night. A plasma trail (just like a comet tail) is created by this spiraling motion. The result is a pattern just like the well known yin/yang symbol, dividing day and night. The yin/yang pattern is how the visible light looks when it hits the flat plane of earth


Most of this is way way above my pay grade but wanted to set the record straight and this can be researched for more detail I would start with BAL series.


Watch his video’s sequentially, in that way they will make a lot more sense.



Brian Austin Lambert on the Flat Earth


Plasma (from Ancient Greek ​, meaning 'moldable substance'[1]) is one of the four fundamental states of matter, [3] Unlike the other three states, solid, liquid, and gas, plasma does not exist freely on the Earth's surface under normal conditions. Plasma can only be artificially generated by heating or subjecting a neutral gas to a strong electromagnetic field to the point an ionised gaseous substance becomes increasingly electrically conductive, and long-range electromagnetic fields dominate the behavior of the matter.

Anonymous ID: 93c47f April 22, 2018, 5:41 a.m. No.1143403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3474 >>3503

Recall big Q post on WW cabal strucuture


Dec 7 2017 22:05:16 (EST) Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 913bb1 51984

Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)

Banks / Financial Institutions

WW Gov Control

Gov Controls People


Oil Tech Sex/Children

SA Controls (assigned) US / UK Politicians / Tech Co's (primary)


Controls organizations of people (create division / brainwash) + management / operator of slush funds (personal net worth never reduces think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)



Decode is clear -Roths control lines one and two - lines one and two control governments - governments control people, the SA and orgs control specific segments


Roth at the top - never understood the reason (cult leaders) was on the top line behind Roth - But now with NXIVM and Marina Abramovich and Epstein Island and so much other weird shit they do to compromise compel and coerce and extort people they need to control it makes much more sense that they fund the (cult leaders)


Church is next on thecontrol hierarchy - that means the Pope


The the mysterious (P) - controlled by Roth = Palestine - remember "Mandated Palestine" includes not just Israel but also Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan and parts of Syria - saved best for last means POTUS intends to destroy Roth influence in this region and bring peace to Palestine.