Anonymous ID: c8cad3 April 22, 2018, 4:30 a.m. No.1143119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3164 >>3600



>>>1142789 (prev bread)




>This quote directly above what you quoted is highly enlightening:


>"The tangible world is movement, say the masters, not a collection of moving objects, but movement itself.




>a rapid succession of instantaneous events"


>I'll have to read more o this .pdf to get a more complete picture.


>Ty for the sauce.




>>>1142789 (prev bread)


Who the hell are you responding to? That post isn't in the last bread, or this one. Why are so many notable/q posts links broken!? Is it just me getting a corrupt page or are others having the same issue?

Anonymous ID: c8cad3 April 22, 2018, 5:01 a.m. No.1143228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3247 >>3250


Oh, I couldn't see them in the picture, but I heard them talking about it on the radio before I came on the board.


To me it looks like they would be magical spell books with all those rainbow colors in the background, but they where supposedly to 'remember her love of reading and improving literacy'


I heard lots about how hear death is bringing lots of people (left right) together as they remember the 'good things she stood for' regardless of the life she lead behind the scenes, she is a public icon,. that stood for lots of things for the older generations that us youngsters don't understand.

Anonymous ID: c8cad3 April 22, 2018, 6:01 a.m. No.1143501   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Asian culture thing, they always save face. They will never give up their weapons because we made them, they will do it because they accomplished everything they wanted and decided on their own it was no longer needed.

Anonymous ID: c8cad3 April 22, 2018, 6:15 a.m. No.1143565   🗄️.is 🔗kun


civilian contractors. Look at the documents leaked by wikileaks from CIA/NSA surveillance software docs. extreme high level overview, tools meant to be used by computer-tards not nerds like us.


Documents for this stuff will not be technical manuals like military uses to repair equipment. it is field guides and manager-overview/sales docs. they get sent in to technicians for expensive repairs, field agents using this stuff has now idea of the science behind it. This stuff is all COMPARTMENTALIZED You won't find smoking gun docs that both describe all the details, and also the big overall picture. you get broad overall stuff, or mountains of technical stuff that doesn't really explain what any of it is really used for in the grand scheme of things, just what exactly it does. The technicians building this stuff and repairing it don't know what its used for, the guys using it don't know how its built.