Anonymous ID: e40d88 April 22, 2018, 6:18 a.m. No.1143582   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The ability to distinguish positive from negative spirituality comes from within and is in fact very down-to-earth and rational in its core. This is very important, because one of the tools of the dark side is the tainting, desecration and pretending to be of the "light". True Light can never be faked, it promotes every kind of positivity - integrity, development, beauty, solidarity, freedom (not anarchic, careless negative freedom, but freedom with love and respect for everyone else). It is based on the force of Universal Love, one that is still sorely lacking on planet Earth, and one that we will all be very closely acquainted with in the near future. The only way to access it is within one's self, but it has the power to change the world.

The satanists and all other dark forces fear this power the most. Anons would be wise to tap into that source when they feel bad or down in any area of life.