Q, I just voted for our boy Donnie. The WHOLE place was masked-up, I mean everyone except me. Some clown handed me a long stem q-tip but from the expression on my bare face knew not to say a thing about a test or whatever it was for. Christ-on-a-crutch, what a nation of sheep! They all believe the Fake-Flu and that paper and cloth masks stop small particle viruses. How can we help these people? They live in fear. FYI there were cameras and I was recorded without a mask. I want to be the first person they come for to send to the camps. I guess I screwed up the first rule of Guerilla Warfare, never be identified as a Guerilla. I hope they come for me soon, I want to fight after seeing what Fauci and the Media have done to my fellow citizens. Terrible.
Baron Harkonnen does too.