QAnon's danger rises with divisive election
One of the most divisive presidential elections in U.S. history is likely to have a huge impact on QAnon, the sprawling conspiracy theory that has rapidly grown in the Trump era and is increasingly seen as a serious threat.
The theory is centered around the belief that Trump is working to expose and prosecute a cabal of elites in media, government and Hollywood running child sex-trafficking rings, but has grown to include more broad anti-institutional beliefs that have helped it spread amid backlash to the government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
It’s unclear exactly what might with happen QAnon regardless of who wins the presidential election, though experts who spoke with The Hill warned of a risk of civil unrest or violence tied to QAnon in the immediate aftermath of a win by Democratic nominee Joe Biden.
“I think there is going to be a very high chance of QAnon activism in the real world and it will probably be the most dangerous point in QAnon’s history,” Alex Newhouse, digital research lead at the Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism at the Middlebury Institute, said. “QAnon is inherently adversarial… the entire idea of the movement is that the true believers are soldiers in a war against the forces of evil.”
QAnon’s adherents have been tied to a limited number of violent actions to date, although they are considered by many — including the FBI — to be a significant domestic threat.
Still, Michael Jensen, a senior researcher at the University of Maryland who focuses on domestic radicalization, said that violence in the aftermath of the election is unlikely, based on the movement’s track record.
“Despite attracting attention from thousands of individuals on and offline, there have only been a couple dozen arrests of QAnon followers in the last 3 years,” he told The Hill. “This group is not particularly inclined to be mobilized to violence and there isn’t any evidence to suggest that they are especially skilled when it comes to plots or violence.”
Those who said violence is likely tended to agree that random incidences of violence are more likely from the QAnon community than any coordinated action.
“However, it’s possible in places like Portland, Ore., that both sides gather in one place, making larger scale violence more likely,” Donald Haider-Markel, a University of Kansas political science professor who studies domestic extremism, suggested.
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The merch is the message.
Dewey Saunders for Inverse
So when 2020’s defining garment became the face mask, it seemed like too good an opportunity to pass up.
The mask market is projected to reach about $9 billion by 2021. In such a competitive marketplace, Petty’s products had to appeal to an audience. Like any good marketer, he looked for a niche. He settled on a sizeable demographic: The people who don't want to wear a facemask at all.
“We've realized there's a certain portion … that is simply anti-mask. They only wear them because they have to, but that doesn't mean that they won't buy one to push their opinion,” Petty tells Inverse.
His business is called “My Patriot Facemasks.” He sells masks featuring the Punisher logo and the gun rights slogan “molon labe” (Greek for: “come and take them”). One mask features a Q and a white rabbit poking through the hole — a literal invitation to follow the would-be wearer down the rabbit hole.
This is a logo associated with the conspiracy group QAnon.
With that design, he joined dozens of sellers on Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, and Etsy who have realized that conspiracy communities are also untapped e-commerce markets with money to spend. QAnon, with its growing power and reach, is chief among them.
The core conspiracy pushed by Q, the group’s anonymous leader (or leaders), is that the government is run by Devil-worshipping pedophiles, many of them prominent Democrats. President Donald Trump was sent by top military leaders to dismantle the system from within, according to QAnon canon.
The QAnon movement has attracted other conspiracy theorists, from 9-11 Truthers, to Plandemic adherents and #Pizzagate acolytes. Along with other fringe conspiracy theories, it was labeled a growing domestic terror threat by the FBI.
Petty's online tore isn’t explicitly pro-Q, and neither is Petty. He calls himself a “watcher,” rather than a participant, in QAnon. To him, the Q mask is a “symbol of the people that are patriots.” But he’s not about to wear a Q T-shirt or put a bumper sticker on his car.
He sees Q acolytes as no more than a potential market – one of many “passionate niches,” he says. He put the mask up for sale on his website, and, like any good businessman, he also advertised his masks on social media. In late August, a post went up on the store’s Facebook page with some classic QAnon hashtags — including “#wwg1wga,” short for “where we go one we go all” — and a few others for good measure, like “#Trump2020.”
“When I saw [QAnon] out there I thought, let's just throw that out there and see if people were interested in buying it,” he says.
The Q mask wasn’t an immediate success, but it was among the top three sellers on his website – the top two were a Trump-themed Punisher mask and a Punisher themed molon labe mask. Every now and then, sales of the Q mask will spike to about 10 or 15 in a five-day period, Petty says. The cost of testing the market was low, and the payoff good enough to keep it up, he adds. For Petty, it is just a side-hustle, anyway. But for others it appears to matter more.
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Q is a team yet besides Q+, who could be Q team's primary Leader?
Has Q already told Anons?
QAnon and the looming threat of misinformation in Finland
QAnon, a far-right conspiracy theory movement that originated in the United States, has made its way to Finland, ensnaring a growing number of supporters in the country. QAnon first emerged on 4Chan—a largely unfiltered imageboard website—in October, 2017, when an anonymous user known only as Q (derived from the Q-level security clearance they claimed to have) posted coded messages expounding numerous conspiracy theories.
These theories place American president Donald Trump in the role of a saviour-like figure discreetly working towards dismantling an evil “deep state” and claim, among other things, the existence of secret cabals of child trafficking, that 5G causes cancer and that certain celebrities and public figures have been replaced by body doubles.
Since its conception, QAnon has gained traction rapidly, spreading across virtual platforms with the speed and intensity of the very virus it claims to be a hoax, amassing a wildly enthusiastic global following.
While many might dismiss these conspiracy theories as the laughably absurd and primarily harmless ramblings of a fringe group, they have proved capable of dangerous, real-world consequences, being linked to numerous instances of violence. QAnon has also led to the dissolution of social and familial bonds in many cases.
Last month, Facebook announced that it would ban QAnon on all its platforms (including pages, groups and Instagram accounts). Other major platforms such as YouTube, TikTok and Twitter followed suit, disabling accounts that promote content associated with QAnon and related conspiracy theories. Supporters have since shifted to less regulated online platforms such as Telegram.
The growing global magnitude of the phenomenon has given rise to a counter-movement of sorts, with the emergence of a number of organisations and communities dedicated to debunking unfounded theories and containing the destructive after-effects of QAnon.
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A video made by a popular QAnon account was shared by Trump, Ivanka, and played at a campaign rally
Rachel E. Greenspan 10 minutes ago
President Donald Trump and his daughter, Ivanka Trump, both tweeted a video made by a popular QAnon-supporting Twitter personality.
Trump's campaign also played the clip at a rally in Scranton, Pennsylvania, according to tweets with footage from the event.
The video-creator tweeted QAnon conspiracy theories within hours of Trump posting his video.
Trump has signaled intermittent support for the movement, which has generated conspiracy theories about numerous high-powered public figures.
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President Donald Trump's re-election campaign shared a video made by a popular QAnon-supporting Twitter personality who has spread several conspiracy theories to his 270,000 followers.
Twitter user Julian's Rum, whose real identity is still unknown, is a popular voice within the QAnon community. The QAnon conspiracy theory is the baseless, far-right ideology alleging that President Trump is fighting a "deep state" cabal of human traffickers who control the world.
The video, first posted by the Julian's Rum account on Wednesday, is essentially a series of clips from Trump campaign rally footage edited together and does not directly refer to QAnon. Ivanka Trump posted the video from her Twitter account on Monday afternoon. "The MAGA movement is MASSIVE and it is unstoppable," she wrote.
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and your P = PAYSEUR bullshit lies.
Q DROP #95
Anonymous ID: cS8cMPVQ No.148033178 📁
Nov 5 2017 02:17:24 (EST)
What happened in SA will happen here, Asia, and EU.
Keep digging and keep organizing the info into graphics (critical).
God bless.
Hillary & Saudi Arabia
Snow White
Godfather III
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Q dropped this image and it did not exist anywhere else online prior to Q dropping it.
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