>Why would the Q Team, with the "we have everything" and "patriots are in control" and "you are watching a movie" and "Flynn done in 30" state any of those claims and then subject fellow patriots to such election uncertainty?
I don't usually respond to concernfag posts, but I'm making an exception. You don't get it yet. Q isn't the bringing it down. Barr and Durham aren't going to start the perp walks and the house of cards falls down in a neat line. Q has laid it all out, whether you see it or not.
The swamp runs deep. Too deep for a band of a few military men + POTUS to destroy MSM, Big Tech, and all the corrupt politicians foreign and domestic. Even if they could, the story wouldn't even be told.
We are the punishers. We are anonymous, behind our masks, voting for POTUS. Did you see all the woke patriots at rallies? In car and boat parades? We are the ones that are going to have to have the will reclaim our freedom with the power that is rightfully ours.
Frankly, I dare them to declare Biden as the winner. They do so at their peril. I'm not saying we have to have a war. But, would you rather deal with the several hundred paid antifa protestors burning down the Democrat cities and throwing pre-delivered bricks? Or, do you want to deal with the millions of POTUS supports that are woke like never before. We really are their worst nightmare.
I don't know what comes next, but I don't think we are going to believe a result that is not believable. And, I don't think that would have happened if it wasn't for Q