SAGE ID: f3868a Nov. 3, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.11431894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1921

FastJackis lurking here but is locking the legit baker breads and letting the COMMS Bakers subvert shit here.

Board log

Username IP hash Time Board Action

FastJack hidden 11 minutes /qresearch/ Dismissed 1 local report(s) for post #11431053

FastJack hidden 11 minutes /qresearch/ Dismissed 1 local report(s) for post #11429618

FastJack hidden 12 minutes /qresearch/ Edited post #11431468

FastJack hidden 12 minutes /qresearch/ Dismissed 1 local report(s) for post #11431468

FastJack hidden 12 minutes /qresearch/ Edited post #11431468

FastJack hidden 12 minutes /qresearch/ Dismissed 1 local report(s) for post #11431531

FastJack hidden 12 minutes /qresearch/ Locked thread #11431531