>>11432972 CDC says people sick with COVID-19 can break quarantine to vote in-person
Yeah, something tells me that even wicked "Dim-controlled" CDC knows better than to make it obvious they are tampering with an election.
I avoided commerce in my "mask mandate" city this week. Not afraid one iota of fake "COVID" but instead didn't want anyone to get too close and then wind up unable to vote due to "quarantine". BS. Made sure this "hell hole" of a liberal city (trying to emulate Berkeley in the midwest) gets it that actual economic activity matters and they are shooting themselves in the proverbial foot with unnecessary, arbitrary and unconstitutional mandates and orders.
We NEED to protect our privacy most of all FROM government. "They" don't need to know who I talk to, what I believe, whom I associate with, where I do business and certainly they should know absodamnlutely NOTHING about my health or genetics.
Not kidding.
(I often pray for "them" because if it were not for the love and mercy of my forgiving Creator I would not be very nice to "them".)