I'm not seeing the missing link here … IF what Dilley's sources say is true: positioning for final Armageddon.
I am vehemently anti-established-religion in every sense. Much of the doctrine (as it's taught to us) and MOST of the organization is by, for, and of man. Corrupt, polluted, and just plain wrong, as far as my own personal opinion goes. Despite that, I've pretty much always assumed that the classic tale of Armageddon is indeed going to play out. It's pretty much a contradiction in beliefs but that's how it's always been. I trust what I trust, inner knowing, and I don't waste too much time thinking myself into a corner and over-analyzing.
That said, what I can't understand is how we make the jump from phase I (the Storm, and, by extension, its spread to other continents) to Armageddon itself. There should be no grounds for Armageddon to occur. The Storm succeeds, we all live happily ever after, and that is that.
Of course, the more the Storm succeeds, the more isolated the Middle East is going to become. They have no production per se to make them worth anything. All they really know how to do is kill others and kill each other. As we clean up our own act here, we'll need them less and less. This will plummet them into a period of darkness that will make them extremely vulnerable for an Anti-Christ who might be waiting in the wings. We can't redefine who and what those people (as a whole) are. They live to kill. Yes, there are always individual exceptions, but taken as a single population, murder will always be the primary drive behind their existence.
So maybe it actually does all come to play out. Who knows.