I, too, would support a Rand Paul/Michele Bachmann ticket in 2024, after President Trump concludes his second term in office. We're going to need Patriots as strong as these two to continue the draining of the swamp, honor the U.S. Constitution, and protect this country and its citizens.
This gal, Michele Bachmann, has been woke on Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of our government for years. (Split link to lots of articles - https:// www.google. com/search?q=michelle+bachmann+muslim+brotherehood&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS788US788&oq=michelle+bachmann+muslim+brotherehood&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.10682j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) What a strong woman she's been.
God bless Ms. Bachmann, Q, President Trump, and all of the good guys and gals here.