I bet she was angry. Didnt help her. She even had problems to quote her own spirit cooking poetry. This woman has no witchcraft. She is just a performance artist with a degenerated approach appealing to the degenerated.
I bet she was angry. Didnt help her. She even had problems to quote her own spirit cooking poetry. This woman has no witchcraft. She is just a performance artist with a degenerated approach appealing to the degenerated.
Abramovic video (shaky) uploaded.
here is my perspective whilst asking.
https:// youtu.be/pScBQy5fk6o
She is pulling the "Fake News" defense. Wow. Pathetic.
look how guily her minions look when she first laughs and then talks about the "man from kenya" - a story she might have prepared in advance.
video online.
https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=pScBQy5fk6o&t=1s
a professional stream captured this too you can find here:
https:// de-de.facebook.com/Bundeskunsthalle/
"Hello, hello? Is the mic on now?" (earlier it was turned off suddenly) "Hello, can you hear me?" "Very well." "Ok, I wanted to ask 'are you happy' but you demanded simple questions so I switch to What is 'Spirit Cooking' and why do I have to go to WikiLeaks to find out about it?" "Ahahah, WikiLeaks - wow. They follow me everywhere. I just loved the music men this morning (?) 'I am from Kenya. I heard about the spirit cooking. And I want to be part what can I do?" Now, this is all Fake News, my dear. Spirit Cooking is Poetry. Which were made in the 90s. And this poetry I was painting like a graffiti using pig blood because its similar to our blood. Just… the idea on the Walls. And I made this beautiful portrait … and then, the Trump is using to election to throw Hillary Clinton and become a completely innocent subject (?)… the political…has nothing to do with me or my art. I just give you one spirit cooking recipe… sigh … Take 13 leaves of Green Cabbage, mix with a 13.000 gramms pure jealousy. Steam in an iron pot. Cook for long period of time. Eat just before attack." The recipe she is quoting is not as she quotes it, some parts are missing or totally different compare: https:// pics.me.me/abramovic-marina-spirit-cooking-1996-mix-fresh-milk-from-the-7618758.png
witchcraft is a scam. like scientology. the fear of witchcraft is the only power witchcraft has. just look at her in the video. she doesnt know how to counter so that weird joker face came up and she started throwing around "Fake News" and "Trump"… 10 years from now we will look back and think: wow, and the audience was cheering for her. thats the true power these peopel have: psychological cult leading. not being questioned. mind control.
yes, and when they delete this one, i have a 2nd shaky perspective of myself here as a backup:
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=pScBQy5fk6o
that wasnt so hard by the way.
every anon can do this.
next stop for Marina Abramovic is
FRANKFURT (GERMANY) where she is attending some kind of event in the Evening today.
Also nice to see Comey being confronted at his book tour today too.
We need to relearn how to play.