ID: 96afb9 Nov. 3, 2020, 3:46 p.m. No.11437240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7315 >>7413 >>7498 >>7583



election updates


The Election WizardMan mage Retweeted

Matt Schlapp




Nevada very positive. Dems also underperformed in early and absentee. Prob 1.5% down from 2016 when Trump lost by only 14 votes per precinct. Vote Nevada this is in striking distance of a pickup.

The Election WizardMan mage




Police cars revolving lightUPDATE: Maricopa County Arizona Election Day voters by registration - 4:30pm update:


Red circleR: 60,114 (+32,406)

Blue circleD: 27,708

White circleO: 49,161

The Election WizardMan mage Retweeted

Jarrett Renshaw




Talked to a Biden source who says early exit polls are “disturbing, particularly voters being less concerned about COVID than expected. Says Florida numbers not looking great.