So guise this is the first time in my life I’ve watched election night happenings
I started watching the last election for Trump, but I was so at peace I went to sleep on the couch and only woke up when it was announced he won. The best night ever
I think I didn’t want to watch before, because there’s so much emotional manipulation going onI didn’t want to be distracted from God!s message to me, Trump is going to win.
I feel the same way now but I thought I had enough objectivity to watch it tonight. I guess I’ll just let good be good and evil be evil, and let the Lord take care of the rest. I guess I was kinda wishing it would be over tonight or this morning. It still may be, but I won’t be attached to the outcome. It’s starting to get me mad watching the manipulation, when i should focus on a great and victorious night for many conservatives.
So I’ll read your reports but I want to stay centered because we know there’s a fight coming up that will take all of our faith and strength.
Just so you know, if Trump had not won the first time, I would have never known about the board or the autists & anons, and what wisdom, intelligence and knowledge you have; and what good and caring hearts you have. I’ve learned a lot from you in the last 3 years and I thank God for even being included in this endeavor with a team. And thank you Q for coming to save our our country, our people, our President and our God and faith. Where would we be without this endeavor and battle. I don’t want to know!
Love you guise, no homo here