>we already won
109% of voters turnout in North Carolina says different, Anon
>How are you guys keeping sane?
Don't ever let yourself get polarized.
Also, understand that so many people voted for Trump that raising the dead to vote 9 days after the election is over can't even make the Communist Party the winner.
Has anyone's lower intestine ever burst on them? I have to shit sOooooOooOOooooo bad!
My assumption is that the objective is to provoke mass-unrest to deliver the excuse for military deployment. You need to allow enough voter-fraud to happen in order to make it look like Biden might have a chance to win once Trump declares himself the winner. This is necessary to drive the libtards into the streets. They will genuinely believe Trump stole the election and their anger and resentment will be vicious. This is exactly what we need as an excuse to get the military deployed.
Q already told us they won't accept the outcome.
Based on this assumption, I think we are winning bigly.
The other scenario is that it'll be a long drawn out battle and the slow drip drip drip disclosure will go on. Trump will ultimately be declared the legitimate winner but riots and unrest will become the new norm. No wide-spread military deployment and no mass-arrests but rather a slow indictment unsealing and declas process lasting the entire second half of PDJT's term.
The only other scenario I can think of is civil war.
17 Flags, confirmed