BVs were locking legit breads this morning.
Not to be trusted.
Are you fucking kidding?
That notepad baker was solid.
No drama.
No Loli.
Get the fuck outta here.
I hope you get AIDS, niggers!
That baker is solid in my book.
Loli bakers make my blood boil.
I'd love to cut their throats from ear to ear, in Minecraft.
Multiple Air-Bursts over coastal China.
It's habbening, niggers!
Your Mom is just a blank canvas to me.
I'll paint my Jackson Pollock masterpiece all over her face.
Dave, the Preying Medic is here, boys.
He got shutdown everywhere else.
I'm sure he has a backup payment plan for y'all.
I filter everyone.
Comfy breads.
Full [COURT] Press.