>we need to start seeing visible signs of progress
maybe i've gotten too much blackpill, but i don't think we'll see it. i just hope i finish building my bug out bunker before shtf
>we need to start seeing visible signs of progress
maybe i've gotten too much blackpill, but i don't think we'll see it. i just hope i finish building my bug out bunker before shtf
this. hillary isn't in prison. king nigger isn't in prison. nothing can stop the inevitable decline of the nation
godspeed, anon. and i pray you never need it
i'm in missouri, so at least my guns are safe
>If you use logic and think for yourself instead of getting caught up in yer feels.
tbh when i did this the conclusion i reached was that Q is irrelevant, a psyop even. only the results matter, and i've not been happy wtih what i've seen. all stick and no carrot.
don't rely on anyone else to shelter you from the storm.
akshually namefags/tripfags aren't anonymous. but your point is valid