Anonymous ID: 846c86 Nov. 4, 2020, 2:10 a.m. No.11451742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1764 >>1772 >>1836


I do not believe my lying eyes (more accurately, the lying press). President Trump worked harder than I've EVER seen any POTUS work, campaigning all over the country, even in smaller locales, between three and five rallies in a single day. That's superhuman stamina! I could not have kept up such a schedule when I was in my early '20s. And not in vain: the crowds turned out for POTUS, even when the rallies were last-minute, and even when they were in sparsely-populated areas.


Meanwhile, in the Biden Basement, he did LESS than I've ever seen any candidate do to campaign. It's as if he was reassured that the ballot counting WILL be rigged in his favor, and he needn't worry or lift a finger to reach out to the populace.


I admit it's very hard to "trust the plan" at this point. My frustration with the lack of action on the many crimes which have been exposed has been increasing exponentially over time. The evidence has been revealed; the indictments have been obtained and sealed long ago; WTF has no one been tried and executed? It seems to me that, if (for example) Wasserman had been tried and executed for her roles in FISAgate, in arranging the hit on Seth Rich, and for rampant election rigging in Florida, that would have sent a meaningful message to all the other election-rigging pieces of filth who litter the landscape.

Anonymous ID: 846c86 Nov. 4, 2020, 2:27 a.m. No.11451926   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Arizona IS a red state, with the usual blue islands around the cities - Maricopa County used to be deep red despite being the State's most populous metro area. Then came the waves of "migrant caravans" (i.e. invading armies) and corrupt Soros politicians eager to get them all registered to vote.


Arizona was invaded and has apparently been taken over by communists from South America.

Anonymous ID: 846c86 Nov. 4, 2020, 2:39 a.m. No.11452033   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The military has already said they'll sit this one out. Joint Chiefs plan to do NOTHING to keep the peace or ensure honest elections. Betraying us and POTUS, this was announced loudly and publicly. I know two Lt. Colonels who BOTH said they voted for Biden because of the fake news about POTUS dissing soldiers.