>Not ‘official’ product - 5 Eyes.
Cuz England made it.
>Listen carefully.
All ears.
>No evidence to support POTUS targeting.
That's what keeps being said.
Even if he paid whores to pee on each other, I don't see what the issue there would be.
>Do you understand the gravity of what’s unfolding?
Waaaaaiting for the drop. I'd like to start living a life that isn't against everyone at every turn. That'd be hella sweet, bruh.
Been tellin' folks for over a decade.
>She had to win at all costs.
I probably woulda just peaced out instead of letting them enslave or kill me. (((they))) were not to get that enjoyment out of me.
>You know why.
Same reason they try everything else, Pinky.
>How do people support/vote 4 these people?
Well intended useful idiots. Emotional arguments from the top down. A culture of not thinking "too much".
>http:// video.foxnews.com/v/5774707105001/?#sp=show-clips
I'll add it to the Q.