Anonymous ID: 7e2993 Nov. 4, 2020, 5:21 a.m. No.11453883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4191

>>11452903 last bread

>>Jesus H. Christ on a bicycle. How many anons are at 30,000 feet and can see what is really going on?

>>LB I got called DARPA for not panicking about the result. In Now is not the time to start sperging.

The Concern Fags and the paranoid should stop and consider this:

Do you remember when Trump put together the Voter Fraud Commission (formally the 'Presidents Advisory Commission on Election Integrity') after the election in 2016?

Ultimately, because of a lack of the Democrat's co-operation and their intrinsic desire to keep voter fraud hidden from public view, Trump abandoned the effort because he didn't want to spend the tax dollars needed to fight [them] all the way through the process.

Now stop and think about that for a second.

Does ANYBODY reading this think that it is a typical occurrence for Trump to 'throw in the towel' because something wasn't going to be quick and easy? C'mon Man !


Consider this small blurb from the follow article:

Kobach called the disbanding of the commission a “tactical change” and said DHS can still pursue its own probe into election fraud in a quicker manner.

"The Democrats, both on and off the commission, made very clear that they were not interested in determining the scope and extent of voter fraud and, indeed, they were trying to stop the commission in its tracks," Kobach said. "The Democrats lost their opportunity, lost their seat at the table, by stonewalling."


I am hoping, praying and expecting that those who 'stonewalled the commission' put a mark on their backs and gave the white hats the justification they needed to document (in some fashion) the inevitably impending fuckery afoot.