Anonymous ID: 4db48f Nov. 4, 2020, 5:57 a.m. No.11454457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4500 >>4529 >>4541


All three of those states and PA will go to Biden. They will find as many votes as they need to make it happen. They didn't shut down for no reason. The dems will get it done. This is what happens when you prosecute no one and enemy knows there will be no consequences for cheating.

Anonymous ID: 4db48f Nov. 4, 2020, 6:08 a.m. No.11454671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4701 >>4734 >>4952


Why do you do this? Why are you not embarrassed by your weakness? This loss represents the end of freedom in America. Boards like this, like /pol/, not to mention the socials, are finished. Free speech is over. The jobs will continue to be outsourced, immigrants will continue to pour in for the few jobs that are left, and wages will be reduced to serf tier, as intended. Guns will be confiscated (not as if the pussies of this country would ever use them anyway), and your sons will be drugged and chemically castrated if they show too much spunk, starting in kindergarten. That is the future. You will do nothing to prevent it. Nothing is more pathetic than a loser trying to strut around, in denial, pretending he won.

Anonymous ID: 4db48f Nov. 4, 2020, 6:14 a.m. No.11454818   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sorry guys, but no one to blame other than Trump for this. Unless Barrett lied to him outright, it is unconscionable for Trump to have appointed someone that he didn't have assurances would do everything in their power to protect the election. Just like it was unconscionable for him to appoint Sessions without knowing how he would handle recusal. Not sure why Trump would do this over and over again. It's really disappointing.

Anonymous ID: 4db48f Nov. 4, 2020, 6:18 a.m. No.11454903   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Secrecy was necessary to advance tyranny for a long time. It no longer is. They now have sufficient power to enslave us openly. Glad a few more people know that they aren't really being herded into the shower room just to get clean. A lot of good it will do.

Anonymous ID: 4db48f Nov. 4, 2020, 6:22 a.m. No.11454986   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Good" will pray and beg though, and God will look on in disgust. He will grant victory to the enemy. As evil as they may seem to us, they have the balls to fight for their children. We don't. Simple as.

Anonymous ID: 4db48f Nov. 4, 2020, 6:27 a.m. No.11455103   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You mean coming in from a country where he has seen this before and knows exactly what will happen. Coming from a place where he knows that God doesn't answer prayers, only action. Coming from a place where he learned that slavery is real, and balls give orders, not prayers and fantasies. It will be interesting to see if Christians go right back to their usual faggotry of begging and moaning after this, or if they finally decide to grow up and actually fight for their children.