Anonymous ID: 864c06 Nov. 4, 2020, 6:18 a.m. No.11454884   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just woke up and checked C-Span. By the numbers I'm seeing, as long as Pennsylvania and Alaska hold strong, Trump has this in the bag. Biden has reached his peak, no where left to go. It's suspect that Pennsylvania, with an estimated 64% counted and showing Red, has halted it's count for the night. What fresh BS is that? Are they trying to pad those numbers while the Nation sleeps? Or are they just trying to buy Biden and the the other perps time to get out of Dodge?


KU stated repeatedly we have to be SHOWN what was happening. Just being told wasn't enough. Trump allowing this game to play out and showing the world just how rigged these elections are could be what was meant. The world has to see just how much control the Dems have over the election process, only then can it be fixed by the will of the masses.


Biden's speech last night was a good chuckle. It looked like a dozen or so cars with a handful of people peppered around. NOTHING like a Trump rally. Really, how could he have such high numbers with so few people behind him? They kept honking their horns because the cheers were not loud enough to make the scene believable. A sham show.

Anonymous ID: 864c06 Nov. 4, 2020, 6:23 a.m. No.11455015   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I don't know how it is in other counties/states, but here in my county there is no option for written/hand counted ballots. It used to be you could choose between using a machine or a paper ballot. The machine (Soros) was automatically counted while the paper ballot was counted by hand. Now, to make everyone vote by machine and placate the ones who want a paper ballot, you fill out a paper form and then feed that form into the machine and the form is tossed into a box unsealed. The ballot is still counted via a machine rather than by hand and who knows what happens tot he paper ballots.