Anonymous ID: 61fb9f Nov. 4, 2020, 6:55 a.m. No.11455587   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm all for the 5D chess option of showing the American voters massive fraud over the next few days and weeks while this thing gets battled out in the courts. After all Q did tell us that we would be in this exact situation. My issue is that whatever proof of fraud they have needs to be bombshell DEFINITIVE or it will do literally nothing to wake people up. I'm a little wary considering how the H. Biden laptop info was handled. Granted, the laptop is still a developing story and I suspect we'll see even more unfold over the coming days, but considering the hype it did little to affect the perceptions of normies. This voter fraud info needs to be DEFINITIVE smoking gun evidence or it will amount to nothing, or not enough to wake people up.