You are watching their "death blossom"
Twitter does not want you to see Sean Davis' Tweet.
Please RT
meme war !!!
IL Sharpie pens everywhere
55 ?
Fox News and the rest of The Media have weaponized themselves along with Social Media to Psy-Op the nation.
We knew this was coming. They will fail.
All 50 News
I saw the rallies
I saw 10’s of thousands at each one
I saw only a handful at Biden Rallies
I saw the MASSIVE MAGA parades
I saw the overwhelming enthusiasm and energy from Trump side
And none, minus BLM and Antifa, from Biden side
We all did. They want us doubting our own eyes and questioning our sanity. It's called Gaslighting.
Think about it logically
If a team is winning a game, does the winning team stop the game or does the losing team stop the game before it can be called.
Apply this to the elections
Fox news election probability they are working
with CCP China and Rothchilds
Paul Ryan is glowing