Anonymous ID: 4a7006 Nov. 4, 2020, 7:08 a.m. No.11455832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5934 >>5956

If nothing else, they will delegitimize Trump. I watched the WAR ROOM with Bannon and they had a really good numbers guy that picked all the states. He nailed Nate SIlver - the lib. He called Florida 2 hours before main stream. He got N.C. right and picked OHIO when Biden was 12 up for Trump. According to him at 1:00 after Biden's conference, N.C. was out of reach even with the mail ins. Georgia was out of reach. Arizona never should have been called. Wisconsin and Michigan were out of reach as was Pennsylvania. He went county by county reviewing the data keeping in mind the ballots still to count. THERE IS NO WAY THAT THIS IS POSSIBLE WITHOUT CHEATING! THE MSM is in on it! NO WAY!