Anonymous ID: d9c425 Nov. 4, 2020, 7:10 a.m. No.11455866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5890 >>5909 >>6060

Thoughts about POTUS’ next steps that came to me right before I went to bed last night.


  1. POTUS goes to SCOTUS to demand States still counting votes cannot count votes received after polls closed.

  2. SCOTUS rules in POTUS favor. States cannot count ballots received after polls closed.

  3. POTUS sends legal team to precincts that are still counting to stop fraudulent count.

  4. States like PA refuse to stop.

  5. POTUS declares they are rigging the election and sends in US Marshalls or Military to take control of the vote counting.

  6. They find fraudulent/manufactured ballots.

  7. Evidence is taken to the SCOTUS to get them to declare those ballots are invalid and that there is evidence this is nationwide. SCOTUS agrees.

  8. POTUS now has legal precedent to do into every Democratic controlled precinct around the nation to investigate fraud.

  9. Of course, more fraud found.

  10. Fraud is reversed. A LOT of close races that broke for Democrats are reversed.

  11. Red wave. Trump retakes House, gains in Senate, gets 2nd term.

  12. All this will be public. Big Tech and MSM refuse to cover it or claim POTUS is going full fascist.

  13. POTUS now has legal precedent to go after all of them on fact they are perpetuating election fraud.


Problem is this won’t be resolved anytime soon. Definitely before the vote is certified in December, but I believe the majority of November is going to be frustrating for us waiting for the final result.