Anonymous ID: 163923 Nov. 4, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.11460693   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>11459856 DC Protester Says She Will "Wipe Bloody P*ssy With Bible

>>11459859 USPS says huge amount of mail-in ballots were not delivered

>>11459873 South Sudan confirms new outbreak of vaccine-related polio

>>11459888 CENSORED: Here Are The Crimes They Are Hiding From You | Rudy Giuliani

>>11459903, >>11459943 AZ update: apparently the use of sharpie pens in gop precincts is causing ballots to be invalidated

>>11459906 Sarah McBride becomes the first transgender state senator with victory in Delaware

>>11459935 I cannot understand how the vote totals exceed the amount of registered voters in the US.

>>11459941 Trudeau warns there ‘may not be’ Christmas in Canada because of COVID-19

>>11459985 he massive jump in Biden votes out of nowhere is because Shiawassee county reported "153710" when it SHOULD have been "15371."

>>11459999 DEACE: ‘This Is A Coup’ With Biden Getting ‘Chavez-Like Totals’

>>11460057 How info suppression works

>>11460079 Trump Campaign to Request Recount in Wisconsin

>>11460110 Angelina Jolie’s MI6 Interview Shows Just How Connected Hollywood Is To the Deep State

>>11460139 Pentagon Draws Down Officers From Middle East and African Embassies

>>11460151 A Biden Administration Would Keep a Military Presence in Syria FOREVER WARS

>>11460202 Michigan elections website shows 75/83 counties reported with 3.7M voters (52%) Trump. Where does the AP/MSM get over 5 million votes counted and Biden lead?!

>>11460230 JamesOKeefe Over 1000 tips received regarding voter fraud this election.

Anonymous ID: 163923 Nov. 4, 2020, 10:57 a.m. No.11460729   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Paine Blows Lid Off DEMOCRAT PLOT To Rig Pennsylvania Election For Biden; Twitter Deletes & Censors Paine’s INTEL, Locks Down Account on Election Night — Republicans File Lawsuit vs. Dems for Rigging PA Votes


EXCLUSIVE: Paine Blows Lid Off DEM PLOT To Rig PA Election For Biden; Twitter Deletes & Censors Paine’s INTEL, Locks Down Account During Election Night, Hours Later, Republicans File Lawsuit vs. Dems for Rigging PA Votes — & Vindicating Paine’s Breaking News. Listen above or below.


This story is developing.

Anonymous ID: 163923 Nov. 4, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.11460767   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IMPOSSIBLE: New Michigan & Wisconsin Update Suddenly Gives Biden Almost 100% Of New Votes


In an unprecedented turn of events, a new vote update to Michigan and Wisconsin shows Biden gaining 100% OF THE VOTES, with Trump picking up zero.


They waited until everyone went to bed and pulled a fast one on the American people. SOMETHING DOESN’T FEEL RIGHT.


Something very bad is happening.


Look below:

Anonymous ID: 163923 Nov. 4, 2020, 11 a.m. No.11460809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1045

UPDATE FROM DETROIT: Democrat Operatives Are Threatening GOP Poll Watchers – They are Hiding the Line in Back Where Votes are Counted


The situation is explosive in downtown Detroit!


Last night President Trump was leading significantly in several swing states including Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.


President Trump had a significant lead in Michigan late last night.


Then all of the sudden Joe Biden jumped up 200,000 votes and has the lead over President Trump.

200,000 VOTES!


This morning a poll watcher in Detroit sent us this in the last hour:


Several Republicans were called to Detroit this morning to poll watch.


From our source Detroit:


Last night at TLC (formerly Cobo Hall) where absentee ballots for Wayne County (Detroit) are being counted, a Ferrari, a van and a Chrysler 300 (I think) all pulled up into facility (large garage doors) with ballots inside vehicles. All three of them had out of state plates. This is an ANONYMOUS tip.


Also, they’re counting military ballots now. I heard around 7k.


Every military ballot has to be duplicated (re-written). I don’t know why. This is very concerning.


Yes. The part about the vehicles.


They’re saying Trump has no chance of winning here. Also, John James does have a chance.


I’ll be in touch.


Make sure you say allegedly. I got the intel from ** and a GOP Challenger who was here all night.


It should be accurate. Lawyer says someone took photos of Ferrari and Chrysler.


No one took photos or recorded info on van!!!!!!!


Like front lic plate number.


The van pulled in so you couldn’t see their back plate. Could’ve had a MI plate on back.


We don’t have front plates in MI so it’s possible they had a MI plate on back of van. More likely they didn’t want anyone to record it.


Let’s hope the GOP is examining the security cameras as we write this post.


Now here is an update from our source inside.


From our source inside:

Anonymous ID: 163923 Nov. 4, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.11460855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0874 >>0876 >>1125

Dovish Jewish groups rap Trump for false victory call, urge all votes be counted


As Biden makes gains in key states, mostly left-leaning organizations scoff at president’s attempt to claim early win


NEW YORK — American Jewish groups on Wednesday blasted US President Donald Trump for falsely declaring victory in the presidential election and urged for all votes to be counted before a winner is named.


In an extraordinary move early Wednesday, Trump alleged from the White House that Democrats were perpetrating widespread electoral fraud, without citing evidence. He said he would take his complaint to the Supreme Court.


“Frankly, we did win this election,” Trump claimed, even as votes remained to be counted in key battleground states.


The heads of 20 mostly left-leaning Jewish groups issued statements all appealing to wait out the vote count.


“Though voting closed yesterday, this election season will not be over until every vote is counted,” said National Council of Jewish Women CEO Sheila Katz. “Though we may need to wait a little longer this year for the final results of the election, we will be patient, we will persevere, we will endure.”


For his part, Democratic challenger Joe Biden asked his supporters to “keep the faith” and remain patient as the counting goes on in the drawn-out US presidential election.


It was unclear when or how quickly a winner could be determined. A late burst of votes in Wisconsin and Michigan gave Biden small leads in those key states, but it was still too early to call. Over a million votes were also outstanding in Pennsylvania.


Democratic Majority for Israel head Mark Mellman said, “Donald Trump doesn’t decide who won and lost. That’s up to the will of the people, as expressed through votes counted by local election officials.”


“Every legal vote must be counted. We know that support for Democrats will increase as absentee ballots, properly cast by election day, are counted. As the leader of the world’s greatest democracy, a decent president would insist every legal vote be counted instead of denying Americans their right to vote, sowing division and creating confusion at every step during this election season,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 163923 Nov. 4, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.11460883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0915

Russia to do everything possible to end conflict in South Caucasus, Putin says


Russian President was confident that the opposing sides could achieve their goals through negotiations


MOSCOW, November 4. /TASS/. Moscow will do everything possible to end the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with religious leaders on Wednesday.


"You know that Russia is doing everything in its power to make sure that the conflict in the South Caucasus ends as soon as possible, as well as to protect the lives of people who are unfortunately looking at each other down the barrel of a gun and are using weapons against each other," Putin pointed out.


He was confident that the opposing sides could achieve their goals through negotiations.


"We maintain contact with both Armenia and Azerbaijan. I hope that we will manage to achieve results on a basis acceptable to all those living in the region," Putin said, emphasizing the need to use peaceful methods.

Anonymous ID: 163923 Nov. 4, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.11460940   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wisconsin National Guard to assist in tallying misprinted absentee ballots


As many as 13,500 such ballots will have to be transcribed in the state's Outagamie and Calumet counties.



The National Guard is assisting in the tallying of thousands of absentee ballots in Wisconsin.


Polling officials in the state’s Outagamie County have asked for at least 22 of the roughly 400 National Guardsmen activated in Wisconsin to assist with transcribing thousands of misprinted absentee ballots into clean ballots, according to a local Fox News station.


As many as 13,500 such ballots will have to be transcribed in Outagamie and Calumet counties.


The effort follows the state Supreme Court declining to issue a ruling on such ballots.


Poll workers will need to work around the clock to meet the deadline for counting non-provisional ballots, which is 4 p.m. the day after the election, according to Fox News.

Anonymous ID: 163923 Nov. 4, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.11460953   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US elections: Biden expects to secure over 270 electoral votes today


Trump's campaign manager said that the incumbent would win assuming all "legal" votes were counted.


Joe Biden's campaign manager has said that by the end of the day, the Democratic nominee will have secured over 270 electoral votes, effectively giving him the White House.

At issue are the key battleground states such as Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, all three of which have yet to finish counting their votes and have yet to declare a winner. However, Biden's campaign manager feels the Democratic nominee has already won Wisconsin.


The campaign manager further stated that Michigan will finish counting their votes by the end of the day, while Pennsylvania won't finish until late Thursday. However, Georgia and North Carolina are not expected to finish for several more days.


Ultimately, Biden's campaign manager said, should all vote counting stop now, Biden would emerge victorious, with most estimates placing him ahead of President Donald Trump, and that any attempt at disqualifying lawfully cast ballots would likely be struck down by the courts.

At the same time, Trump's campaign manager said that the incumbent would win assuming all "legal" votes were counted.


He further stated that the campaign projects that outstanding votes will guarantee four more years of Trump in the White House.

Anonymous ID: 163923 Nov. 4, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.11460984   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If They Can Steal Your Vote, They Can Steal Your Rights!


The US presidential election last night was perhaps the most anxious election of this century and the most absurd election.


Before the election, almost all mainstream media judged that Joe Biden would win, and social media was flooded with Democrats’ confident statements that Biden would win the presidential election.


At the same time, the situation in the election campaign is quite the opposite. President Trump’s campaign is full of various spontaneously organized welcome crowds, motorcades, and fleets while Biden campaign was deserted even with the participation of former President Obama and Hollywood star LADY GAGA. After the HareDriveGate broke out, Joe Biden almost gave up public campaign speeches and hid in the basement all day.


Compared with 2016, the American public’s supporting for President Trump has risen sharply in 2020. In 2016, you can only support Trump quietly, and in 2020, you can openly raise Trump’s flag on the street to canvass for President Trump. Even in some Democratic-controlled states, crowds and convoys supporting President Trump have appeared.


However, all of this public opinion was successfully distorted on the presidential election day on November 3, 2020. Under the premise that the Democratic Party cheated on various ballots, President Trump managed to win 5 of the 7 swing states. But the Democrats were obviously completely crazy. The Democratic governors of these states directly stopped the vote counting and did not announce the results. Then, in Michigan, Biden’s votes rose miraculously, soaring by 128,000. No changes have been made to Trump and other candidates. The same thing happened in Wisconsin. Biden’s votes increased by 140,000 in an instant. The number of voters in this state has even exceeded the number of registered voters!


Mr. Miles Guo once said that the US election will end in a very funny way. Yesterday’s presidential election was a good show to us what a funny election is. The Democratic Party has blatantly and recklessly cheated elections and manipulated public opinion, and has completely stepped on the rule of law and democratic system in the United States. Since when has the spread of rumors, cheating, and fraud in the United States been as grandiose as the CCP?


Americans, you have to wake up, when they can cover up your speech, they can cover up all the evil; when they can steal your vote, they can steal all your rights. And when all these happen, congratulations, you have successfully entered the pre-China model, and gradually you will become frogs in warm water, accustomed to the life of slaves where freedom is restricted step by step.


We Chinese Whistleblowers once felt sad for not being able to awaken the sleeping Chinese. Now we find that it is equally difficult to awaken Americans living in the civilized world. But we will not give up, because this is our mission, we will never give up unless we take down the CCP! American patriots, throw away your illusions and fight with us for your future!

Anonymous ID: 163923 Nov. 4, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.11461033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1072 >>1114 >>1180 >>1255 >>1320

Hunter Biden was invited to get together with friends on 5/12/2011


From: Tom Eck


Subject: Re: Getting together with Friends


Date: May 12, 2011 at 9:03 AM


To: Brian R. Lang


Cc: Avi Benaim, Tom Keeley,,, Michael Summerfield, Erik D. Bolog, Hunter Biden, James Meeks, Joe Cosentino, Eck, John B, Matthew Rosenheim,,,


I was going to bring a hooker, but changed my mind. I will be solo. Tom


On Thursday, May 12, 2011, Brian R. Lang <xxxxx@xxxxxx.comwrote:


Good morning everyone. I need to get a head count and wondering if you all are bringing a friend with you to this dinner so I can get the seating proper. Please let me know as soon as possible.


Dinner at Morton’s of Bethesda 7:00 PM


June 2, 2011


We are raiding my wine closet by the way which has been filled with Beringer Private Reserve ’96 and Silver Oak Napa Valley ’02. With regards,




Brian R. Lang


Senior Vice President/Partner Guardian Realty Investors, LLC xxxxxxxx




This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system.


P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you.


—–Original Appointment—–


From: Brian R. Lang


Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 3:16 PM


To: Brian R. Lang; ‘Avi Benaim’; ‘Tom Keeley’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘Michael Summerfield’; ‘Erik D. Bolog’; ‘Hunter Biden’; James Meeks; ‘Joe Cosentino’; ‘Eck, John B’; Matthew Rosenheim; Tom Eck (; K. Andrew Sprague (; ‘Avi Benaim’; ‘Tom Keeley’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘Michael Summerfield’; ‘Erik D. Bolog’; ‘Hunter Biden’; James Meeks; ‘Joe Cosentino’; ‘Eck, John B’; Matthew Rosenheim; Tom Eck (; K. Andrew Sprague (


Cc: Sprague, Andrew; Sprague, Andrew


Subject: Getting together with Friends


When: Thursday, June 02, 2011 7:00 PM-9:30 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).


Where: Mortons – Bethesda


Importance: High




It has been awhile since we have seen one another and had a chance to shoot the proverbial – sh*t. We all have been friends for a long time, so I figured we could all get together on June 2, 2011 at 7:00 PM at Morton’s in Bethesda. Please let me know your availability. Also, please let me know if we should add some people to this dinner/get together.


With regards, Brian





Anonymous ID: 163923 Nov. 4, 2020, 11:12 a.m. No.11461068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1315

Hunter Biden replied Nels Olson to call his dad about the boat Grady White on 8/31/2018


From: Robert Hunter


Subject: Re: Grady White


Date: August 31, 2018 at 4:46PM


To: Nels Olson


Cc: Robert Biden, Robin Ware xxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx


Robert Biden


Visa xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx x/xx CVV xxx


Please have them call my dad xxxxxxxxx? regarding getting to the North Shores house , apologize profusely for me I thought Hallie was joking- seriously that she wasn’t going to help. I’m in CA.


Sent from my iPhone




On Aug 31, 2018, at 11:47 AM, Nels Olson <xxxxxxxxxx@gmail.comwrote:


Team Biden –


I was over at Fawcett’s today on an issue with our Mako and the guys showed me your Grady White. Good news is the lower unit is fixed and looks great. Bad news is the boat was never shrink wrapped and is pretty beaten up inside.


Would highly recommend you all have her cleaned up and wrapped for the winter if you aren’t going to us her. Pics attached.


All the best,


Nels <image1.jpeg>




Nels B. Olson Cell – (xxx) xxx-xxxx

Anonymous ID: 163923 Nov. 4, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.11461161   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Who Benefit From Terror In Europe, US Political Chaos And Regional Wars?


There has been a peak of extremist activity in Europe in recent days. The formal reason that triggered the process is the publication of the cartoons insulting the Prophet Muhammad by Charlie Hebdo. Subsequent events came very quickly: teacher’s beheading, the forceful comments made by E. Macron and followed by a series of terrorist attack in France and Austria.


This crisis is certainly due to European interior problems. Such a turn of events has been expected. Sooner or later, the accumulated contradictions had to result in an escalation of violence.


At the same time, an important process is taking place on the global stage – the US presidential election, which splits local society not only by political preferences, but also by religious affiliation, race and lifestyle. The escalation in Europe coincided surprisingly with the peak of the election campaign in the US.


The vote fraud is the large factor of the presidential election in the United States, according to Donald Trump: