This isn't for the faint of heart, and it's annoying but necessary for the long game and brilliant when you look at it.
You have to do 2 things if you are DJT. 1) Have the votes to win and 2) simultaneously expose voter fraud for all to see ["WE MUST SHOW EVERYONE"]
If you don't secure the election win first, then this is much tougher as you now are going to be a de-legitimzed talking point, the masses will say you are a sore loser and not believe you won fair, and you are relying on fraud exposure and courts to overturn the election win VS.. securing the win AND showing fraud, and although that's what everyone thought was happening it wasn't….
We used a cluster of states GA/NC/VA/MI/WI/NV/PA collectively to paint the widescale fraud for the simple minded by stopping at the same time (shady), and showing how they then dumped in ballots to try and win the state (that don't match up logically). So it appears as if all those states were going to steal, and it painted that narrative and fired up the digital army BUT……
as we see today, GA/NC/PA/AZ are enough to win and the pendelum is swinging back toward those actually being RED winners, but all everyone is talking about all over the country are the 7 together so spotlight on vote fraud accomplished.
AND message successful, we now go back in and secure the legitimate win WHILE showing the fraud, and I bet ultimately in final tallies all those states fall red and many more are exposed. For example, the math doesnt add up to get beat 2-1 in CA based on how he performed in FL. Im sure they tried to rig more than these 7 but these 7 were the plan for our counter.
You don't come at A WWE HALL OF FAMER and expect to win!!!!
Do it Q!!! Get this election in the bag and now bring the motherfucking pain in the 2nd term!!! GOD BLESS US ALL!