Anonymous ID: 639c50 April 22, 2018, 11:40 a.m. No.1146329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6353 >>6367 >>6378

To be clear here, what Nunes found is that there was no intelligence product produced by internal (US) or external (5 eyes) agencies that indicated there was collusion or ties between Trump team and Russia. Clapper and Brennen made up lies and fake leaks to the MSM stating the contrary (i.e. '17 different agencies agreed there is collusion.').


Instead, it appears deep state actors (Hillary shoe-ins) in the STATE department may have created fake evidence pulled from Russians via Fusion GPS, as well as Sid Blumenthal and others adding in their own dose of b.s. information, and then Brennen/Clapper and others in STATE fed that fake information to the FBI. Case closed.


These folks are done, Nunes will have the evidence once STATE is cleared out. Hopefully KANSAS can clean up the state dept because they must have the deepest set of swamp. +41 people I think it was mentioned in Q's earlier post.