Anonymous ID: be18a7 April 22, 2018, 11:44 a.m. No.1146369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6396 >>6428 >>6594

Guys this should be a HUGE INDICATOR that the HRC video isn't about eating a child, or perverted sex acts…….think about it….."the nail in the coffin"…..too toxic for many…..

Judging by the suicidal move of the DNC to sue TRUMP, this video should clearly have HRC, and other key black hats, conspiring openly to defeat TRUMP for president at all costs, blackmail, treason, spying, bribes, fraud, all the admitting of cheating the system and fooling voters.

That is more damn ing to the party itself, rather than just her and Huma supposedly performing sex acts on a child being destructive to only her, Huma, and Bill…….the video shows proof of ALL of them talking and disclosing of how they will put their fraudulent and treasonous plans into action to win the presidency