Declare a national state of emergency
Issue a Presidential Finding of foreign election interference
Federally deputize ALL willing CITIZENS.
Unmask and Declassify relevant intelligence and NSA intercepted data
Declare collaborators and treason plotters as enemy combatants.
Seize the airwaves and stop all propaganda and censorship.
Deploy military to protect borders and seas. Send Pentagon Staff to Gitmo HQ
Federalize National Guard and order them to support Citizen Federal Officers
Order arrests and detention of suspected enemy combatants and foreign agents
Order tribunals to decide military hearings or civilian investigations & trials on a per-case basis
Offer leniency to those who assist investigations and admit their crimes
Break up big tech, media conglomerates, party apparatuses, and corrupt enterprises
Divide assets among new non-state enterprises who assist in recovery
Announce his decision to retire from office after the Emergency is dealt with
Order a new and regular election to be held in 8-12 months