Anonymous ID: 36a34e Nov. 4, 2020, 12:28 p.m. No.11462420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2467

Kitchen Business


Very reluctant to bake due to laziness oldfag here

I will bake a few breads if someone takes notes for me

I can't stand to leave the kitchen in this state for so long, when anons need the bread the most

Let's get at least a few timely and clean bakes in a row for fucks sake


Noob baker confirm handoff and I will bake next

Anonymous ID: 36a34e Nov. 4, 2020, 12:51 p.m. No.11462860   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Posting for reference



>>11459856 DC Protester Says She Will "Wipe Bloody P*ssy With Bible

>>11459859 USPS says huge amount of mail-in ballots were not delivered

>>11459873 South Sudan confirms new outbreak of vaccine-related polio

>>11459888 CENSORED: Here Are The Crimes They Are Hiding From You | Rudy Giuliani

>>11459903, >>11459943 AZ update: apparently the use of sharpie pens in gop precincts is causing ballots to be invalidated

>>11459906 Sarah McBride becomes the first transgender state senator with victory in Delaware

>>11459935 I cannot understand how the vote totals exceed the amount of registered voters in the US.

>>11459941 Trudeau warns there ‘may not be’ Christmas in Canada because of COVID-19

>>11459985 he massive jump in Biden votes out of nowhere is because Shiawassee county reported "153710" when it SHOULD have been "15371."

>>11459999 DEACE: ‘This Is A Coup’ With Biden Getting ‘Chavez-Like Totals’

>>11460057 How info suppression works

>>11460079 Trump Campaign to Request Recount in Wisconsin

>>11460110 Angelina Jolie’s MI6 Interview Shows Just How Connected Hollywood Is To the Deep State

>>11460139 Pentagon Draws Down Officers From Middle East and African Embassies

>>11460151 A Biden Administration Would Keep a Military Presence in Syria FOREVER WARS

>>11460202 Michigan elections website shows 75/83 counties reported with 3.7M voters (52%) Trump. Where does the AP/MSM get over 5 million votes counted and Biden lead?!

>>11460230 JamesOKeefe Over 1000 tips received regarding voter fraud this election.