Anonymous ID: 94500f Nov. 4, 2020, 12:31 p.m. No.11462468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2479 >>2484 >>2533

You ready for the script?


Do you see what they are doing?

> (((they))) are trying to steal the election

Do you know why?

> (((they))) are criminals.

> not your ordinary criminals; treasonous criminals. Murderers.

(((thier))) lives truly hang in the balance.

For years, they've operated without fear of reprisal.

They have hidden thier crimes behind a wall of secrecy in violation of the constitution.

They have been protected by the media, tech industry, 3 letter agencies & Intel agencies.

They have maintained thier power through blackmail & more.

These people are sick.

For their treason, they've been rewarded handsomely.

Can you see why they aren't even trying to hide thier election fraud?

You see why the media is trying to cover for them?

Do you see why social media is censoring/ suppressing the evidence?

What happens when the public finds out?

They will be afraid to walk the streets.

They have to win at all costs.


Seditious conspiracy.


It's all or nothing.


So, what comes next?

The election will not be resolved as we are used to.

It will become a contested election placing the decision on the House.

But what about the fraud?

Election fraud is on full display.

Least we forget the house has spent the last 4 years using every tool in the toolbox to undermine Trump & have even floated ideas to remove him from office.

Never the 25th amendment talk?

Member McCabe talking about wearing a wire?

Ever wonder what would make Nancy Pelosi so confident of a Joe Biden win even though he spent months in his basement?

Understand why ACB was crucial now?

Without her, what would happen?

The timing of RGB's death wasn't a coincidence.

Looks like they are about out of arrows …


Now, why does none of this matter?

Yes, that's right …

None of what is taking place matters because we have them dead to rights on election fraud and the whole country sees it.

They can't hide from it.

We have everything.

Reread the drops.

There's more …

Trump still has DECLASS.

He can still expose all thier crimes.

What was once dark will soon see the light of day.

Trump Card.

His name is Seth Rich.

Julian Assange comes next.

What do you think the publics reaction will be when they discover that not only was the Russian Collusion hoax fabricated by the dems but they murdered the man responsible for leaking everything?

How will they react when they discover the f_i & d_j were assisting them in covering up thier crimes by prosecuting Assange?

What about Las Vegas?

What about …

Now we have the 3 letters working with the Dems to undermine a duly elected president by spying on him & his campaign plus fabricating evidence against him while purposefully dragging out Julian's case to keep him under lock & key in a Belmarsh prison to help keep their crimes out of the public eye.

> knowingly


You see, the truth is, the only way for the public to understand just how corrupt our government has become is to show them. They have to experience it. They have to get uncomfortable & the evil that's about to be exposed has to be fed to them 1 spoonful at a time. They would never comprehend it if it were any other way.


At the end of the day, the point is, relax.

Get some popcorn.

Get comfy.

Enjoy the show.

It's only just begining.