"It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain
The military isn't going anywhere. There is no cavalry coming to save us. But it will take until 1/21 for people to realize they've been taken for a 3 year ride.
Since the entire "election" is 100% rigged, this time there is no return. The Dems (commies) control lit all. House, Senate, Oval Office. Game over. And nobody is going to stop them.
Actually you mean "cheats" (massively) but it's all the same outcome. You may not be in such a good mood by the summer. But you'll see.
"Record number of people." Very curious since he couldn't get 50 people to show up for his rallies.
This shit has come through a hundred thousand times and not once has it ever amounted to anything.
"The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we're doing it." -Josef Mengele