Anonymous ID: 0c52a6 Nov. 4, 2020, 1:37 p.m. No.11463829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3838 >>3952


Judaism is satanic.


Judaism is based of racial supremacism, approves of pedophilia and forces parents to commit child abuse in the form of genital mutilation via forced circumcision.


Video: “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”



Pointing out why certain ideologies have no place in the West has nothing to do with division.

Here is Q doing it:



Falls on deaf ears.

Not w/ this administration.






"The Video This Administration DOESN'T want America to see. Retired US Admiral James Lyons 2/11/2015"


Quote from video (Admiral James Lyons speaking):

"You know, we all say we have to identify the threat. Well, I think the one who identified it the best was [President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan from Turkey when he said, ‘Islam is Islam. There are no modifiers [e.g., Islamic extremism]. Democracy is the train we ride to our ultimate objective.’ He couldn’t have said it any plainer, and until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, you’re never going to come to grips with it."




Moderate Islam does not exist. Muslim doctrine instructs Muslims to wage war against Infidels, always (as soon as the conditions for victory are present), and to conquer and convert any land where any Muslim has stepped foot. This is all verifiable.


Ask all the ex-Muslims who got murdered by Muslims because Islam tells Muslims that the punishment for apostasy is death.


Islam, Judaism and zionism have no place in the West, they are political systems (Judaism and Islam being political systems disguised as religions) that will lead to war in Western territory if allowed to fester and/or allowed keep their control and massive influence over the Western political, legislative and judicial processes.


God created borders for a reason.

Proximity + Diversity = War

Anonymous ID: 0c52a6 Nov. 4, 2020, 1:37 p.m. No.11463838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3886


I forgot to say, that was a pb post.


Here is one of the Jewish rituals who has given several babies herpes, which has gotten some of them killed.

The ritual consists of the rabbi cutting the child's foreskin, making it bleed even more by pinching it with their nails, and then taking the children's penis, inserting it into their mouths and suck on it.


It's calledMetzitzah b'peh

Anonymous ID: 0c52a6 Nov. 4, 2020, 1:42 p.m. No.11463943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3991


Pointing out why certain ideologies have no place in the West has nothing to do with division.

Here is Q doing it:



Falls on deaf ears.

Not w/ this administration.






"The Video This Administration DOESN'T want America to see. Retired US Admiral James Lyons 2/11/2015"


Quote from video (Admiral James Lyons speaking):

"You know, we all say we have to identify the threat. Well, I think the one who identified it the best was [President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan from Turkey when he said, ‘Islam is Islam. There are no modifiers [e.g., Islamic extremism]. Democracy is the train we ride to our ultimate objective.’ He couldn’t have said it any plainer, and until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, you’re never going to come to grips with it."




Moderate Islam does not exist. Muslim doctrine instructs Muslims to wage war against Infidels, always (as soon as the conditions for victory are present), and to conquer and convert any land where any Muslim has stepped foot. This is all verifiable.


Ask all the ex-Muslims who got murdered by Muslims because Islam tells Muslims that the punishment for apostasy is death.


Islam, Judaism and zionism have no place in the West, they are political systems (Judaism and Islam being political systems disguised as religions) that will lead to war in Western territory if allowed to fester and/or allowed keep their control and massive influence over the Western political, legislative and judicial processes.


God created borders for a reason.

Proximity + Diversity = War

Anonymous ID: 0c52a6 Nov. 4, 2020, 1:43 p.m. No.11463983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3990


Video: Bernie Sanders' campaign video was entirely about the Holocaust, not one word about Americans. Welcome to the D party.

Notice that 95% of the Jews in the US are pro-Israel (so although Bernie pretends to try to go against Israel's wishes, he is pandering to a 95% pro-Israel audience): - “American Jews, Politics and Israel”



95% of Jews have favorable views of Israel…





Research conducted in 2013 by Pew showed that 76% of Jews (identified by religion) said they were at least somewhat emotionally attached to Israel. In addition, almost half said that caring about Israel is an essential part of being Jewish (with most of the rest saying it is important although not essential) and nearly half reported that they had personally traveled to Israel.


Anonymous ID: 0c52a6 Nov. 4, 2020, 1:43 p.m. No.11463990   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Reminder that 80% of Jews vote Democrat and that the D party gets 50% of its funding from Jews. Proof:

(1) – “US Jews contribute half of all donations to the Democratic Party”


(2) – “Pollster: Jews voted Clinton more than any other group”


(3) – “BY THE NUMBERS: 3 Key Takeaways from the 2016 Jewish Vote”


(4) – “Jewish Americans are now the face of Trump resistance”


BTW, ShareBlue is trying to get our Kyle murdered, video: "MAFIA Style HIT Put on Kyle Rittenhouse by Jailhouse Lawyers Speak, a PRISON Group Funded by ActBlue"

Anonymous ID: 0c52a6 Nov. 4, 2020, 1:44 p.m. No.11464014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4030


Not an argument.

Posting verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion is not about hating Jews or division, although the Israeli shills who hate the truth (because they work for a criminal state) try to paint it that way as a smear job to deflect from the message.


Jewish collective power is the main tool in the cabal tool box.

That's a verifiable fact.

And people are waking up to the fact.


Every one ends up hating the way Jews as a group prey on non-Jews, and how they then play the victim. They don't hate the Jews per-se, they hate how destructive and subversive Jews are as a group, and the damage they do to their Countries and people.

JFK's father knew it.

The 18th POTUS knew it.

Everyone who came into contact with Jews for the past 4000 years knew it.

Pics related.

Anonymous ID: 0c52a6 Nov. 4, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.11464039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4045


Patton knew it too.


Reminder that General George S. Patton was killed for noticing and verbalizing the extend and implications of the jewish supremacism and subversion that has been chocking the West for the last 200 years.


Remember the words of war hero and legendary patriot General George S. Patton

On a letter to his wife he commented:

“I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is Liberty, then give me death. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.”

And in his diary he noted:

“Today we received orders… in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc?… We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles.”


General George S. Patton knew who was behind the subversion of the USA:


General George S. Patton was murdered:

Anonymous ID: 0c52a6 Nov. 4, 2020, 1:46 p.m. No.11464045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4057



"…while Jews take credit for so much good in modern civilization, they must also take their fair share of blame where it is also reasonably merited. Why is this necessary? Because modern Jewry is not an oppressed minority. It is, by all measures, a center of economic and social power, and political control. Virtually all corners of society are effected by Jewish influence. Yet modern Jewish identity continuously screams its alleged disadvantages, configuring as a relentlessly Accusing Finger, constantly demanding demanding attention, demanding concession all rooted in the foundation of the Jewish martyrology tradition. To this day the Jewish community still defames Arabs, Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Russians, and others, including all Gentiles as a categorically “guilty” Other for historical crimes against Jewry.Modern Jewish identity has become a collective aggression, a collective demand, a collective accusation, a collective insistence upon continued, never-ending reparation and further power. As the old saying goes, there are two sides to every story – but the non-Jewish side of history (in its interaction with Jews) is afforded absolutely no forum anywhere in popular culture."



Anonymous ID: 0c52a6 Nov. 4, 2020, 1:47 p.m. No.11464071   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Speaking of satanism:


Israeli Court Rules Convict Who Ran International Child Porn Ring ‘Safe’ To Practice As Pediatrician



A Jewish pediatrician who was convicted of possessing and distributing some 190,000 child pornography videos and images can serve as a medical supervisor at the Health Ministry’s student health services department, an Israeli court ruled last week:


"Avraham Barkai will be able to pay visits to schools but not treat children in his new position, which a panel of judges at the Nazareth Regional Labor Court determined that he should be allowed to fill, going against the recommendation of the Civil Service Commission.


Barkai was convicted in 2011 of being part of an international child pornography distribution ring and later sentenced to 18 months behind bars. However, the punishment was reduced on appeal to six months of community service, a nine-month suspended sentence and a NIS 20,000 ($5,690) fine.


For over a year up to his conviction, but after he had already been charged, Barkai continued to practice at a Haifa clinic of the Meuhedet HMO after a Health Ministry disciplinary committee ruled that he could continue to see children as long as a parent or nurse was in the room.


The disciplinary committee went on to rule that despite the charges, Barkai did not pose a danger to children as he had not been accused of physical acts against minors. As a result, it ruled that the pediatrician’s license should only be stripped for two years, and by July 2013 Barkai got his license back….


However, senior officials in the Health Ministry have come to Barkai’s defense. In 2014, the Health Ministry’s senior vice president of Administration and Human Resources, Dov Passat, submitted a letter to the disciplinary committee asserting that there should be nothing preventing Barkai from applying for tenders for positions as a pediatrician. The letter was submitted by Barkai as an official position of the Health Ministry to the Petah Tivka Magistrate’s Court, which ruled in 2018 that he be granted an exemption from the ban on employing convicted sex offenders as he does not pose a risk to the public, even if he works as a pediatrician.


In late 2018, a medical board voted unanimously to award Barkai a position as medical supervisor at the Health Ministry’s student health services department in the northern district. The Civil Service Commission subsequently interfered and blocked the appointment, stating in a 2019 hearing that “while the job at hand does not require clinical care for children, its core is oversight of student services and some of its assignments take place on school grounds and during the school day… Taking into account the nature of the offenses of which Dr. Barkai was convicted, [granting him this position] can greatly damage the image of the Civil Service Commission and the public’s confidence in its institutions.” "


Simply put, Jews — especially Jews in Israel — do not treat pedophilia as a serious crime the way White Christian societies do. The pedophile is always given the benefit of the doubt with reduced prison sentences and cursory slaps on the wrist.


This leniency toward pedophilia, of course, can be found in the Jewish “holy” book, The Talmud, and child rape has literally become a pandemic among religious Jews, according to a whistleblower rabbi.


And as our White Christian nations become more and more judaized under the oppressive influence of Jews in positions of power, we see an increasing inclination for courts and the media to show sympathy for dangerous pedophiles.


All this media coverage of pedophiles, like homosexuals before them, serves to desensitize us to these abhorrent criminals.


As the article clearly states, just because you collect and distribute massive amounts of child pornography, it’s doesn’t necessarily follow that you’re a “pedophile” or an actual threat to physically abuse real children.


That’s the kind of “logic” you’ll find throughout The Talmud — Martin Luther referred to it as “talmudic hairsplitting”.


Pedophiles need our ‘protection’, not our condemnation, according to ‘experts’ who just so happen to mostly be Jewish.


The endgame is to recast pedophilia as just another sexual orientation or “lifestyle”, and the public school systems have begun to push this “progressive” perspective.


And if you have a problem with your child’s Jewish pediatrician being a convicted sex offender, then you’re probably an ‘antisemite’ who is the real danger to society.


Anonymous ID: 0c52a6 Nov. 4, 2020, 1:48 p.m. No.11464120   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Israel is pretty much very ok with the talmud thou, he was a literal super-star in Israel.


Also, the Torah tells Jews to enslave the goyim via debt slavery. Pic related.


I wish you well, but Judaism and Islam and zionism have no place in the West. Best of luck.

Anonymous ID: 0c52a6 Nov. 4, 2020, 1:49 p.m. No.11464134   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Israel is enemy #1 until Jewish and Israeli subversion is terminated in the West.



>How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:


>Operation Dark Storm - Redpilling Black Twitter on the JQ:


>"WHEN VICTIMS RULE: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins"

Anonymous ID: 0c52a6 Nov. 4, 2020, 1:51 p.m. No.11464202   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11464000 - "Bill Before Senate To Give 80,000 Jewish Holocaust ‘Survivors’ In America Free Elder Care" - "99% Of Israeli Start-Up Companies Eligible For Tens Of Millions In COVID-19 U.S. Bailout Grants" - "ADL and Other Jewish NGO's Loot Small Business Bailout While Americans Get Shafted (FTN Podcast Audio + Transcript)" - "Despite coronavirus-caused cutbacks, Israel expects to get full $3.8 billion" - "Israeli fifth column in Virginia funnels resources to Israel" - "US Senate Quietly Approves $38 Billion for Israel Amid Historic Economic Downturn"

Anonymous ID: 0c52a6 Nov. 4, 2020, 1:52 p.m. No.11464210   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Proof that Ministries in Israel gave orders to AIPAC staff to commit crimes against US citizens on US soil here:


"The Lobby: USA" documentary:


>Some scenes:

-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.

-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation of Palestine.

-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel (part of Canary Mission)

-AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) members buy out Congressman using pre-paid credit cards which are given to them inside an envelope

<Basically, this documentary provides under-cover footage that is undeniable proof that Israeli Ministries order AIPAC staff to commit crimes against US citizens on US soil for the political benefit of Israel.

Anonymous ID: 0c52a6 Nov. 4, 2020, 1:56 p.m. No.11464315   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's called pandering.

Nobody will have to pander to the Jews soon enough, Jewish collective power is going to get terminated in the West.


Israel is enemy #1 until Jewish and Israeli subversion is terminated in the West.



>How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:


>Operation Dark Storm - Redpilling Black Twitter on the JQ:


>"WHEN VICTIMS RULE: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins"

Anonymous ID: 0c52a6 Nov. 4, 2020, 1:57 p.m. No.11464343   🗄️.is 🔗kun


God bless him.

He should either ditch Judaism or move to Israel, Judaism has no place in the West.



Sahedrin 55b



Rav Yosef says: Come and hear a resolution from a mishna (Nidda 44b): A girl who is three years and one day old whose father arranged her betrothal is betrothed with intercourse, as the legal status of intercourse with her is that of full-fledged intercourse. And in a case where the childless husband of a girl who is three years and one day old dies, if his brother, the yavam, engages in intercourse with her, he acquires her as his wife; and if she is married, a man other than her husband is liable for engaging in intercourse with her due to…