Anonymous ID: a5dc01 Nov. 4, 2020, 2:13 p.m. No.11464688   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11464458 It's coming down to law/attorneys, with patriots as the fallback. This is why the enemy pitched a mega fit when the RBG croaking was announced, and now insists that Barrett is "illegitimate," despite all sense. They know in their foul hearts that the SC is going to steamroll them. After that, expect major fuckery with the some states likely to send in competing electoral slates, and then the new House to be involved in January. But if the cheating isn't crushed beforehand, it will be a Pelosi House. Ergo, we destroy them with legal moves and continual release of damning information.


The most important thing for patriots now is to actually BE patriots, real patriots, who prove it in the face of the enemy. Any DS players left in the Cabinet or other important positions must be swept away now. Fire all of them and declassify, along with all the other proofs of major crimes.