> emancipation vs. free
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emancipate |əˈmansəˌpāt|
early 17th century: from Latin emancipat- ‘transferred as property,’ from the verb emancipare, from e- (variant of ex-)‘out’ + mancipium ‘slave.’
free |frē|
adjective (freer |ˈfrēər| , freest |ˈfrēəst| )
1 not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes: I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free | a free choice.
• (of a state or its citizens or institutions) subject neither to foreign domination nor to despotic government: a free press.
• [often as complement] not or no longer confined or imprisoned: the researchers set the birds free.
• historical not a slave.
frei | frai |
A Adj.
1 (unabhängig) free ‹man, will, life, people, decision, etc.›
A Adj.
independent (von of)
(unbeeinflusst) unaffected (von by)
sich unabhängig machen
go one's own way
‹colony› become independent