Then why are you here? Go celebrate you win with others like yourself….leave us losers as to ourselves….you panicking pos.
Its not that we haven't seen them do this before to POTUS. Its not like they haven't been against him since 2016 and we have known this…..Its just been over three years of this bullshit..and their blatant confidence and lying to us day in and day out that I think throws anons like me over the fucking edge. There is a right and a wrong in this world, There is Law and Order and Anarchy and Oppression. There is infiltration we have seen it and we even know who these infiltrators are. I just do not understand how certain people who got their success here can be so hateful against other Americans. I know they tried to assassinate him in very way possible, reputation wise, money wise, character etc even physically so its that right there that I can no longer take the evil and corruption at that point, because now they are trying to gain control without our consent which they have hidden sucessfully for years. White hats and patriots is what I hope to see out there working for the good of us and of course ourselves. I really wish we would get something from Q as well but many have said he is either done or extremely busy at the moment….There is a limit to hat one human person can take….no doubt….
Ok Screenwriterfag, I get your point but this is no longer a script in my opinion. There are real people suffering and seeing this as total failure. The odds of suicide have already been realized due to the fucking forced quarantine of healthy people and do you have any idea what its like trying to comfort a child with autism who is depressed and sees no hope for himself when school was their whole life? I appreciate your explanation but I do not appreciate the story line any longer, I want to see someone held acountable for what was perpetrated on the citizens of this country once and for all. I mean you no disrespect.